Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

Gee, his house sounds like my house, older than dirt. Not a square anything any where! I can understand the problems you're having!
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Don't tell the Highlander that, she already has me one step away from Senile City. With the Andy Rooney comment she will be envisioning me with big bushy eyebrows. but seriously thanks for the compliment and I glad you drop in to Opa's Place.

You are quite safe (this time) as I have no idea who Andy Rooney is!
Don't tell the Highlander that, she already has me one step away from Senile City. With the Andy Rooney comment she will be envisioning me with big bushy eyebrows. but seriously thanks for the compliment and I glad you drop in to Opa's Place.


Oh those bushy eyebrows.....man, everytime I see a man with those Miracle Gro eyebrows, I have the very ticking, itching hands that wants to get the trimming shears and do a major bush cutting job on them! Including whats in ears too. I am surprised Andy didn't grow them out of his ears too!
DH lets me pluck his sometimes. I am a dab hand with the wax but he won't let me near him with it in case I get ideas about waxing other areas too
Never tell him that you are doing the bikini wax job! Ever heard a man getting a wax job? Not easy on the ears!

I trim hubby's eyebrows and ear muffs. I didn't know men get so bushy when they aged so well. If I had a wish, I would wish men would have bushier chest hairs than bushy anywhere else. Be lucky men are not as vain as women which we would go the extra mile to look beautiful or decent or soft to the touch!
My chest hair is very blond and sparse and my sons are the same way. Years ago, when David was about 13, one of our neighbors, who was furrier than a bear, was teasing him about it. With out a moments hesitation David came back with "I can't help it if our family is further up the evolution tree than yours".

I never have understood why so many men seem so unconcerned about their appearance. Eyebrows that look like awnings, ears that appear to be covered with furry muffs, and nose hairs that during cold weather start to resemble walrus tusks. I can't imagine an woman wanting to get close to them. Cletis T Judd had a parody song on one of his albums titled "Did I Shave My Back For This" and Larry The Cable Guy has a hilarious bit about bikini waxing.

Vicki, Andy Rooney was a reporter who for the last twenty years appeared on a weekly national new show called Sixty Minutes. He was a self professed curmudgeon who would offer his opinions or remembrances in a humorous or thought provoking manner. He died recently at the age of 92.


Some Andy Rooney quotes

Computers make it easier to do a lot of things, but most of the things they make it easier to do don't need to be done.

The 50-50-90 rule: Anytime you have a 50-50 chance of getting something right, there's a 90% probability you'll get it wrong.

People will generally accept facts as truth only if the facts agree with what they already believe.

Most of us end up with no more than five or six people who remember us. Teachers have thousands of people who remember them for the rest of their lives.

Nothing in fine print is ever good news.

All men are not created equal but should be treated as though they were under the law.
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Some more Andy Rooney quotes

I didn't get old on purpose, it just happened. If you're lucky, it could happen to you

Death is a distant rumor to the young.

Elephants and grandchildren never forget.

Anyone who watches golf on television would enjoy watching the grass grow on the greens.

If you smile when no one else is around, you really mean it.

I don't like food that's too carefully arranged; it makes me think that the chef is spending too much time arranging and not enough time cooking. If I wanted a picture I'd buy a painting.

The average dog is a nicer person than the average person.

The closing of a door can bring blessed privacy and comfort - the opening, terror. Conversely, the closing of a door can be a sad and final thing - the opening a wonderfully joyous moment.
Gotta LOVE Andy Rooney! Funny I bought his two books from the library book sales. Glad I got them!

I love that quote about men's chest hairs being up in the evoluntion ladder!

Oh I agree with the chef arranging food too carefully. Must be in a wrong resturaunt! I bet his food got cold by the time it was finished arranging. Why putting TINY amount of food, oh, yeah, a teaspoon or two tablespoon of food or one big bite worth of food, would get lost in the big wide plate? And putting gravy on the plate first before the food sits on top of it? Heck, ladle that gravy on TOP of the food! Ever heard of gravy being on the bottom of the mashed potatoes????

Oh that twitching and itching.........seeing those "awnings" above his eyes.........gotta get the trimmers or shears!
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Opa, you posted the other about using bantam eggs for pickled eggs. How many eggs for a batch and what size jar. The two bantams here lay one egg each every other day, the E.E. lays one large egg every other day, and I got my first DBH egg today. If all of those girl get started I may be in trouble. I'll miss Andy, too, he made you think!

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