Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

YakLady your ducklings are the cutest! Thanks for the pics.

By nature, I tend to be REALLY practical(my dad always said it was the English/Welsh/Irish thing). I DO NOT spook easily-I have spent many a night out here by myself while DH was working graveyards, fishing, hunting, etc. with no problems-doesn't bother me. I know how to protect myself and am not afraid to do so. I am odd in that I really don't fear things in nature(I respect them, not necessarily fear them). I am way more afraid of things humans are capable of than what nature throws at me.
There are 5 of us down here on the end of my road about a 1 1/2 miles off the highway-we have 600 wooded acres behind us and a few wooded acres right across the road. Fairly isolated.
I lived for several years in the Mid-West(which means tornadoes) and lived in a coastal county down here for 25 years(we now live one county away from the coast). Anyway-I say that to say this, I was taught, living there and here, to watch animal behavior-their senses are WAY keener than ours and they can tell you when things are going to happen. I have seen this myself-especially right before Hurricane Rita and Hurricane Ike hit this area in the last few years-animals are very nervous and then it is just dead silent close in front of a storm. This is different-weird. Definitely not a weather event about to occur.
Sounds nuts, I know, and I would normally never confess to anything like this, but I don't like it at all.
I went outside a while ago and my Black Sumatras were literally slamming into the fence on their enclosure...
I promise, I am not prone to fits of paranoia, not a "Conspiracy Theorist" by any means, but this has me unsettled.
Only the fool hardy would ignore what their animals are trying to tell them. Keep an eye on the sky. I wonder if they sensed the earthquake in Mexico since it was felt in Arizona. Oft times animals react to natural disasters well in advance of the actual occurance.
Thats true too. Maybe they are sensing some sort of natural disaster that has never happened there.
My parents too are very practical and dont spook easily. I wouldnt say I frighten easily either but I am WAY at the other end of the spectrum of beliefs,lol. However, all of us have experienced the same thing.
Whether it is animal or the weather, you do NOT sound nuts. There is obviously something going on.
Whew, thanks guys for not thinking I'm losing it. Talked to my mother about it and she told me that my great grandmother(full blooded Cherokee Indian) said the same thing you all said-basically, the animals are trying to "talk to you" so to speak.
I don't think you're crazy at all, animals are far more aware of things than we give them credit for.
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