Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

Good morning all and Happy Easter. As soon as I can wake up a little more I need to go check the birds. The new chicks seem to be doing well and the beautiful bird that Yaklady gave me has intergrated into my large fowl flock. A couple of the hens tried to intimidate her and she put them in their place quickly. Rather than run as previous new inductees have, she stood her ground and the transition was probably the easiest I've had.
It was a long hard night with that dessert tempting me but I have made it to morning without touching it. That cake ust didn't realize how strong my will power is.
Awesome, Ranchie! I'm going to have to google a picture of a Carolina wren.

That's good news, Opa. Glad she's doing well. She's a tough cookie, so I figured she'd do alright. You never know, though. It's good to hear. I know she's going to love being part of your crew!

All seven little duckies are dry little puffballs now. They're too cute!

Happy Easter to those who celebrate this day!
Happy Easter, Harlan, where ya been?
That egg is a hoot!

I adore the wrens, but they are really loud little birds. There's one that sits outside the BR window at dawn every morning - regardless of how late I was up! Last year they built a nest in a hanging geranium and another in a backpack I had hung out to air. The year before that, they found some Christmas garland I hadn't taken down and nested there. Learned a lesson there!

Well over 80F here today, even the chickens are panting. I was hoping for more than 2 days of spring but it looks like it's not to be.
I want to have the ideal life - winters here, summers in Scotland!

Oh boy, Sheila! Two snakes today, so far. Both black racers, which are nonvenomous so they get to live. ANY poisonous snake is history! I let the nonvenomous live because they keep mice, rats and roaches away. But I had to learn how to identify them fast. There are usually DNR websites for each state with creepy snake pics that are really helpful. And I know east TX is full of them.
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I have noticed that quite a few of you have succumbed to the "cuteness" of little fuzzy ducklings.

Ducklings are okay but I would recommend that you eat them while they are still cute. A full gone duck is an entirely different matter.

It is a well know fact that duck can be dangerous.
Ranchie asked for duck smilies and while there aren't many available I thought I post this one for those of you who prefer to ignore the truth about duck danger.


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