Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

Good morning people. Another good day will soon get underway. Just as soon as I can get some coffee flowing thru my veins I am heading to another BYCer place, about 75 miles from here, to pick up some year old layers. The brother of the young guy who works for me lost his flock to the neighbors dogs and I'm going to get him some replacements.
I will probably get another Buff Orpington for my own flock as well.
Gosh it's been quiet in here lately! Everyone must be out enjoying the sunshine, I know I have. I even have the sunburn to prove it.

I have another broody. One of my brahmas this time. She doesnt look like she is going to change her mind so I will move her into the broody cage today and give her some fresh eggs and see how it goes.

Did you get your chicken yesterday Sam?
My darlin' Thistle, it's a beautiful weather forecast we have to look forward to for the rest of the week. If fact we are going to have above normal temperatures. Sure glad my air conditioner works.

The young couple were thrilled with the new birds. I got them 6 Buff Orpingtons and 4 ISA Browns and one each for my flock. That brings my large fowl flock back up to 21 layers and 1 Welsummer rooster. I have 11 large fowl chicks in the the tractor and they are 7 weeks old.
Hi everyone! Hope you are all well.
Spring(or as we call it here, early summer) has been SO busy for us. I spend hours every day taking care of animals, cleaning brooders, feeding, taking the ducklings for 3 swims a day, whew. That is just animal care, not to mention garden stuff and all of the everyday things we have to do.
Went to visit a friend of mine in Louisiana on Saturday who breeds champion Sumatras and came home with 2 chicks out of a pair of Sumatras that have won national titles. What a nice kid! Things like that restore your faith in humanity.
Well, gotta run to town(yuck) but wanted to make sure everyone was doing OK. Take care all!
Yup. I've been AWOL, too much to do and not enough days in the week! DH is temporarily working 3-11 p.m. due to a truckload of tourists who insist upon see the sights during the day. Being a restoration painter in Hysteric Charleston isn't easy sometimes! He is repainting the new lattice and old, in the old Market.

I'm still trying to weedeat more jungle area around the chicken pens, slow going due to rain right now. There is a suspiciously revolving "tropical system" off east of us, so hurricane season might start early this year. Tie to clear the outside clutter and tie down what can't be cleared.

Goldie is being a superb Mama Hen! She gets quite hostile if another hen even looks at her chicks.
She may be tiny, but she has the heart of a lion!

Here's a recent pic - the black one I assumed was a BR x DBH? Well, no. It hatched from a GREEN egg. So the roo is a cuckoo and the hen is either another cuckoo or an Ameraucana. Quite the mystery chick - except he sure looks roosterish.......
All I need, a seventh roo.


So..... how's everybody doing?
Yikes! The rain and storms! I spent an extra 35 or so minutes in the grocery store, waiting for the generator to kick on.
Isn't this your normal summer weather? We are experiencing incredible weather right now. Temperatures in the 80s and no rain predicted for the next several days. I should be able to get my garden finished in one or two more days.
Weather turns nice and everyone disappears. Even on the other threads that I follow the number of posts has dropped to a trickle. I know I'm finding it more and more difficult to find time to get everything done that I waited all winter to do. As tired as I am it almost makes me long for winter when I wasn't so busy nor as tired.

Granny's little bichon fought a gallant battle but she had become so bad that having her put down was the only humane thing to do. While I did put my JRT Jasmine down last year I decided that I would opt out when it came to Granny's little dog. The vet came her a shot that relaxed her. I sat rubbing her back and she slowly drifted into sleep. hen the vet returned and administered the final shot, both he and the tech stood with heads bowed and hands folded for several minutes before checking for a heatbeat. I was grateful for the dignified manner in which they handled the entire procedure. It allowed me to truthfully report to Granny how her Connie was able to quietly and gently leave this world. Granny is of course saddened by the loss but grateful for the time she had with her. She took a wornout breeding grump that had never be out of a cage or handled affectionately and turned it into a loving pet and made the last five years of its life a blessing for them both.
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I guess you are never to old to learn something. I type the correct terminology for a breeding female dog and I now know they are called "grumps".

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