Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

It's been a funny couple of days here (not ha ha funny either!) . Last night my 2nd broody hen who I thought was doing so well decided to break open her eggs and eat the chicks. She was on day 20.
I managed to salvage 5 and took them in to put under a heat lamp but I think they are done for. I think the hen is done for too, I'm sure she will make wonderful soup. On a happier note, I went down to the coop this morning to find that my 1st broody has hatched another 2 chicks, 5 days after the first one hatched! That makes 4 for her now. Had I known she wasn't done hatching I would have put the 5 rescued eggs under her but I thought she had abandoned the rest of the clutch. It just goes to show that you can never predict nature!
Everything is quiet and peacefully and the weather can't figure out what it wants to do. One day we have record highs, record lows. I have one job going that I had hoped to have done by the end of May. With having to pull the painters off because the pollen from the white pine trees was so heavy it would have fouled the paint, and having to pull my guys off because of rain, I'll be lucky to have it done by the end of June. Fortunately it looks as if the next several days are going to be dry.
Sprite, does that mean that you now get to kick back and relax, no more school until fall?

E3 is actually a gaming convention. I'm super excited because 3 Shin Megami Tensei games are going to be released soon!

In terms of school, I'm done until early to mid August.
to Highlander!
Morning is here and the coffee tastes expecially good. The news is on the television and they just showed video of some of the tornados that struck southern Minnesota yesterday. One they showed was a half a mile wide. Sadly at least two people have lost their lives and it is too early to access the damage left in the wake of the dozens of twisters that occurred. Hopefully our BYC friends were unscathed by the storms.

Yesterday afternoon I opened the front of chicken tractor to allow the 10 week old chicks to go out into a large fenced area. They sure were funny to watch. They all huddled at the opening but seemed afraid to step outside. They were chirping like mad. It was almost like they were saying "you go out, no you go". Several hours later they cautiously started going out but never ventured further than about 5' from the tractor. As the son dropped in the western sky they all we back in the tractor to roost.

David lives about 10 miles north of me, and planned to not come in today so that he could get several things done around his house but when I call him later this morning I'm sure he will want to drive down. My neighbor came over late last night with about 4 pounds of walleye fillets. Since that is more fish then Granny, Hope and I can eat at one setting, I will share them with Dave and Amy. When I asked Granny if she wanted fried fish for supper tonight I think I heard her stomach growl a resounding yes. That old lady sure does love to eat fried fish and I don't think there is any fish better than walleye.
I just read about the tornadoes, tragic.

Mmm, Walleye. I caught my first Walleye when my husband and I were dating. I didn't know what the heck it was! They are a tasty treat!

I'm going to be building fencing this weekend for my chickens. Got a great deal on some kennel panels. I have a pole building that I have my breeding pens in. So I finally get to build runs for them. And some other pens as well for the juvie's I have.
I got a great deal a couple of years ago on a dog kennel and they sure do make great runs in a hurry. I think I need to start watching Craig's list to see if I can get a couple more. With the one I do have I buried a 2' wire barrier around the perimeter to dissuade predators from digging in and I also installed a hot wire. They make brackets specifically for cyclone fencing so it was quite easy to electify the enclosure.

Looks like we have a pretty nice day on tap and hopefully I can get done working early enough to kick back and enjoy it. It's a good thing that summer days are so much longer as I'd never keep up with all that needs to be done. Last night by the time I finished all I could it was 10pm before I ate supper. I had cut down a large Siberian elm that was dying. I have thought for years I needed to cut it down as it shaded my garden from the afternoon sun, constantly dropped small branches, and was the source of thousands of tiny elm seedlings in the garden. Hope's dad heats with a wood stove so he had taken all the useable wood but I still had a huge brushpile I needed to take care of. Last night was the first time that the branches were dry enough and the wind was calm enough that I could burn without risk. Now I'll have to rake up the remaining branch ends and burn those.

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