Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

Oh Sam!!!!
Only someone who has/or is dealing with aging parent can appreciate exactly what you felt.....I so understand!!!! They are all so lucky to have you with them and looking after them, I am sure you are a Blessing for your family!!

Hope everyone else had a great day!! Heavy rains on the way here next couple of days, with possible flooding, whee!!!!.......have a good evening!!! CCMH
Don't hurt yourself out there shoveling Opa!!

The snow "they" said was going to be 3-5" then 2-4" turned out to be 1"
I'm glad they were wrong. We still have piles from shoveling and drifting previous storms but there is alot of bare ground now that the sunshine is warming a little more each day. It'l be March before we know it and I can't wait!!!!
Our snow wasn't as bad as just a few miles south of me. Luckily ours was only 3" but not far away their was 8". Still even with just 3" we still had 12" drifts and the majority of my required shoveling is across the areas that drift.

Even with shoveling by hand I extended the area to provide the wild turkeys with some easier walking and feeding areas. Tossed a gallon of shelled corn out and when I returned from the grocery there was 18-20 turkeys contentedly feeding in the yard. Each time I see them it reminds me of how much my father would have liked sitting at the window watching. When he was alive and still able to make the trip here from Kentucky Lake turkeys were rarely seen in my area. Now their population has exploded and they are actually starting to become a nuisance. Floocks of a hundred can devastate a field of freshly planted soybeans and I know farmers who have come to detest turkeys.
It used to be quite rare to see wild turkeys over in SE MO where I grew up, and for the first 15+ years we lived here in W KY, I NEVER saw any. Within the last few years, they've gradually settled into (or have become comfortable enough to venture out into view) the area and I've seen flocks as many as 20 at a time, but more commonly around a dozen. We had a jake and 2 hens come up to my neighbor's pond (field next door, the pond's only about 10' if that from the property line). I was hoping they'd stick around... a few days ago saw a covey of quail that numbered in the teens. Guess I need to spread some scratch grains or cracked corn outside the fence line back in the field and see what munches...
Will it attract anything I DON'T want to see munching back there? Although I do close up my fowl at night, if we're gone to church or somewhere, sometimes it's after dark when we get home. I don't want a repeat of the possum getting into the chicken house.
I put out shelled corn for the deer and the turkey and which ever gets there first eats all that I've put out. Never had a problem with possums hanging around my deer feeders or the areas I throw corn. Sprite I'm sure tempted some days to pop a turkey but the season doesn't open until the 3rd week of April and even though I have had as many as 50 turkeys here at a time, for some reason they seem to know that they should leave one week before the season opens. Rarely see them again until after the fall turkey season has closed. One of these days I am going to see if I can't find the calendar that they must have hidden somewhere in the woods.
Opa, Maybe they've figured out the tell-tale signs of the upcoming season. The deer here are abundant in the fall.........until the farmer/rancher across the road moves his cattle from this pasture to the one near his home, for easy of watering and feeding, just before winter. Which coincides with the gun season for deer in November! Whoever coined the term "dumb animals" was definitely talking about their speaking ability and not their smarts! They are one step (or two) ahead of us!

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