Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

What snow???? Just rain here, no snakes yet either
Glad everyone is doing well. Nice skin texasgal, always look better flattened out like that rather than round and crawling!

PK I am going to try and up load a picture for you of the wall hanging, it is finished and ready to go in the mail......


Our weather is supposed to get much better this week, it looks like we won't get potatoes in the ground on St. Patty's day, but they seem to grow just as well when planted later, so when the garden can be worked we will see about putting them in. Rainy day, so we cleaned the basement and I dug out my hand quilting frame which has had a quilt on it for a couple years, finally just put the frame up in the living room...
At least I can work on it now!
Hope everyone had a good day! Blessings, CCMH

Edited because I have fat fingers and a little keyboard......
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All are welcome here! C'mon in, have some coffee and sweet rolls!

Sometimes we who have been here a while tend to act like we "know" each other, and often, we do. Don't be afraid to say what are ya'll talking about?"


CCMH, LOVE the wall hanging!
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Isn't it amazing, that little throbbing that you feel when you press your fingertips to your wrist? Just checked and it was there so that must mean that it is going to be another good day. It's still dark and cold but knowing that I'm still here to read this certainly bodes well.

It's nice to read that more folks are joining us. Never can we have enough friends and to read that Pickles wants to have an Opa again sure gives this old man a warm feeling. It's nice being able to help remind folks of someone who was dear to them. I only had the privilege of knowing one of my grandfathers and it has has been fifty years since I lost him. Yet sometimes a word or an occurance will remind me of just how wonderful the time was that I did have with him.

A similar feeling occurred when my oldest son married his wife Elizabeth. Shortly after their wedding I received the nicest letter from her thanking me for all that I had done for them. She started the letter with "Dear Dad" and went on to explain how nice it was being able to say that once again. She had lost her father several years before and having a father in her life again reminded her of him. The honest sentiment conveyed in her letter instantly imbedded her deeply into my heart.
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