Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

The Third Declension, I had to google it.
Wow! Latin is absolutely a very important thing to learn. As you know, I am fond of languages and their origins. Just when you think you'll never need it? You'll need it. It's like Algebra.

Three of five are things I have studied, but it was a long time ago. Some of the Founding Fathers may have been alive then!

Programming? Oh, how I wish! I never even set my hands on a computer until I was in my late thirties or so. Absolutely a fabulous thing to learn.

I do like learning Latin. It helps me out in English, actually!

You're not that old!

Dad is intent on teaching me how to program, and I really want to learn it. It might come in handy for my dream job, which is engineering, and it'll be really helpful should I decide to make fan games!

Hello Cindi! How are you?
Good to see you too! I'm good. Life has gotten a little hard, and I have chronic nightmares, but I've gotten a lot happier overall for some reason. I have a bunch of new friends, and a boyfriend even! Also, I've taken a job as Head Fanscripter for a project a friend and I are doing. School is going well, although it's always hard to get back into it after a break, and my chickens are all fine.

How have you been?
Good to see you too! I'm good. Life has gotten a little hard, and I have chronic nightmares, but I've gotten a lot happier overall for some reason. I have a bunch of new friends, and a boyfriend even! Also, I've taken a job as Head Fanscripter for a project a friend and I are doing. School is going well, although it's always hard to get back into it after a break, and my chickens are all fine.

How have you been?

Chronic nightmare's? I used to have those and chronic anxiety issues. Turns out it was food allergy related and I don't have them anymore
Things are pretty good here. We have a big garden this year and I am always busy putting up various veggie's, bartering for ones I need, and tending all these nutty animals and THE TEEN
Pretty dull life, but it works for me
Boyfriend? He better be good to ya!
Sounds like you have a lot of changes going on! Glad to see you are happier
Good to see you too! I'm good. Life has gotten a little hard, and I have chronic nightmares, but I've gotten a lot happier overall for some reason. I have a bunch of new friends, and a boyfriend even! Also, I've taken a job as Head Fanscripter for a project a friend and I are doing. School is going well, although it's always hard to get back into it after a break, and my chickens are all fine.

How have you been?

Chronic nightmare's? I used to have those and chronic anxiety issues. Turns out it was food allergy related and I don't have them anymore
Things are pretty good here. We have a big garden this year and I am always busy putting up various veggie's, bartering for ones I need, and tending all these nutty animals and THE TEEN
Pretty dull life, but it works for me
Boyfriend? He better be good to ya!
Sounds like you have a lot of changes going on! Glad to see you are happier

How odd! I will keep that in mind, thank you for the information! What vegetables are you growing? We once had a garden that gave us nothing but gigantic zucchini!

Indeed, he does treat me well.
I wouldn't be with him if he didn't.
Third try. Antenna on computer flaky! GRRRRR


VISIT with OPA -- FANTASTIC, chicks in brooder, eggs in bator, Lockdown in 18 days and counting! You will find me watching Chick tv and playing with them or watching the eggs turn and the thermometers in the bator!!

Hubby used his vast knowledge about electricity to 'fix' my new bator. I was unscrewing things and checking voltage connectivity. He thought about it awhile, had me put it back together and just turn the thermostat dial, VOILA, it didn't need fixin, I just need better brains!

Baby alpaca born thursday is a medium brown BOY and has been named Samson. He spent the weekend in the barn in seclusion with mom so they could bond and I could make sure everything is going well. He seems a bit slower than he should be and I'm not seeing baby poos, but she seems milked, so maybe they are ok. He weighed 16 lbs. I put them back to pasture and boy did the herd do a major GREETING and SNIFFING of this new little guy. Hope they still know him when the flyspray scent wears off.....

Lots of chicken chores, garden, and alpaca chores to do as well as unloading the car from chickenstock.

Cheers all and have a great day!

Let's see, check antenna to make sure connected before sending and hit the button---QUICK!!
Bonnie, am glad that you enjoyed Chickenstock. I felt terrible that I had forgotten to bring the eggs, but as it turned out I'm glad that I did. I would have never gotten to visit with you at Chickenstock as much as we did when you came to the house to get the eggs. Between the eggs and the chicks you will soon be on your way to having a flock of show quality Welsummers.

Sprite, nightmares can certainly be aggravating. If it happens often it really starts to affect your sleep. I once dreamt I ate a huge marshmallow. While that doesn't sound scary, waking up to find my pillow missing was.
It was no nightmare, but a realistic dream. But it did involve waking up to discover that it was a pillow in my arms...................

Sprite, you are the Queen of your dreams and everything in your dream has to obey you. If you discover yourself caught up in a nightmare, flip the switch and change it. You DO have the power to do this even in your dreams. It takes a little remembering before going to sleep, but you can train yourself to STOP a bad dream and wake up or just CHANGE it to something better.

I am the queen of my dreams. I have the power to change my dream into something else. Repeat this to yourself before sleep. Try it for a couple of weeks. You'll start remembering while you dream and be able to pull yourself out of a nightmare and change, just start thinking hard about something else (PUPPIES, or BABY BUNNIES, or anything cute and fluffy should work ok)

Good luck with it. We've used this method in our extended family and one even used it as a story for his English Paper!

Opa, so how do you like the handsoap? It cleans up messy hands REALLY WELL. I should have a GREAT START on a Wellie herd (oops) FLOCK!

Today has started out with a beautiful sunrise and mild temperatures and the forecast is for sunny and minimal chances for rain. I opted not to water the garden yesterday because of predicted rain for last night but it never came so I will need to water today. The daily high is supposed to keep increasing all week and they are calling for 90's by the weekend.

Yesterday I found my cuckoo maran laying under the roost. She hadn't shown any symptoms of ailing. I had had her for three years and she supposedly was two when I got her, but when buying birds from strangers you never know. She never did lay very well and her eggs were very strange light color, almost most a purple. So now I have 29 hens and 4 roosters and in a few weeks I will be overrun with chicks. I have a broody sitting on Welsummer eggs and another sitting on Delaware eggs. Then today or tomorrow I've got more Welsummer eggs coming from a breeder in New York. I've got to now figure out where I am going to keep all of those chicks and how I am going to get rid of them. Hopefully some of the BYCers in southeast Michigan will be needing some and I guess I could try Craigslist as well.
Hi everyone......it has been awhile since I have posted. This move to Alabama has definitely taken up most of my time!

I think we have found a house to buy here, which mean I can start planning a new flock soon. I guess I will have to rethink my coop design since it does not get cold here. I am thinking of an open coop with semi enclosed roost and nesting boxes. Of course I will enclose the coop with hardware clothe for predator control, but I am also thinking I will be able to free range more if we get this place we want. As I will not be working, I think free ranging will be a viable option. I am already planning on where to set up the chicken area, so we had better land this house!

I hate having my animals scattered all over the place. Our horses are with friends in Kentucky, and I had 2 Aussies at my daughters in KY. Well, the second day at my DD's one of the shepherds escaped and went rogue. She was on the lam for a week until my DD caught her. We had to drive 10 hour round trip to go get the RPITA (Royal Pain In The Arse) and bring her here with us. Now we are in a studio hotel room with 2 Shih Tzus, a large Australian Shepherd, and an old blind dog with diabetes and congestive heart failure.....oh joy!

I am glad to see you all had fun at your Chickenstock, hopefully now that I have moved closer to civilization I will get the opportunity to go to one myself and meet some great chicken folks!

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