Operation Rehab...is there any hope for her?

so happy for ling.I have 7 pekin ducks i bought from the local feed store.They are 8wks old however one of them is 4 to 5 x smaller than the others.She doesnt have feathers either.At 3 days old i noticed she couldnt walk anymore.I have grown very attached to Daisy.I would run her a warm bath 3x a day to let her work her legs.To start off with she could hardly even float in the water.Today she is walking and sometimes can run but she has problems balanceing when preening. i ve noticed when shes wet looks like her spine is curived.I wonder if lings and daisys problem could be a birth defect that our tlc is helping them overcome.Daisy has no wing feathers either but her sisters are nearly fully feathered.
so happy for ling.I have 7 pekin ducks i bought from the local feed store.They are 8wks old however one of them is 4 to 5 x smaller than the others.She doesnt have feathers either.At 3 days old i noticed she couldnt walk anymore.I have grown very attached to Daisy.I would run her a warm bath 3x a day to let her work her legs.To start off with she could hardly even float in the water.Today she is walking and sometimes can run but she has problems balanceing when preening. i ve noticed when shes wet looks like her spine is curived.I wonder if lings and daisys problem could be a birth defect that our tlc is helping them overcome.Daisy has no wing feathers either but her sisters are nearly fully feathered.
Sometomes that TLC is better than any medicine. Hoping for full recovery for Daisy and Ling. and
This morning after her swim, I picked Ling up out of the pool and placed her on the ground where she usually lays and nibbles on grass...well today once her feet hit the ground she took off and was so excited lol
Wasn't a full blown run, but was def no walk lol It only lasted a few seconds but she has given me hope back that she may be able to walk again full time! She has come so far in the two weeks we have had her! It's amazing!
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