Operation Rehab...is there any hope for her?

Our vet does everything lol from feathered, to hooved, to paws. This vet is semi new, and very heartless.....and also one of the "not so experienced with birds" ones lol
Ling has taken a turn for the worse
Not sure what's the matter as she was doing so well. My bf seems to think she is fine, but he's not the one down there everyday spending time with her. She just seemed funny this afternoon. So, I took her out and put her in the pool where she just floated there by the edge looking at me....I know, when she does this, she wants me to take her out. This was really not her because she loves her pool time. I took her out and sat her on the ground and she got so stiff that she flipped over on her back
So I grabbed a sweatshirt I had in my car and dried her off with it and sat her on my lap....she laid her head down on my arm and started to fall asleep. When I went to put her back in her "area" of the duck shed (she has to be kept seperate as the others would probably kill her) and she kept getting stiff again, her legs weren't working with her at all. She would get stiff, hold her wings out to balance herself and put her bill onto the ground with her neck arched, almost like she was trying to hold herself up. When I put her in there she also didn't go straight for the food, which she ALWAYS does! I'm so worried that I'm going to go there tomorrow and find something I really don't want to
I don't know what else to do for her. If this keeps happening I'm starting to think the kindest thing to do is to put her down.

She was doing so good, she is even starting to get her big girl feathers on her wings (the blood feathers) at 10 weeks old.....seems like all of our progress is all coming undone
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Ling has taken a turn for the worse
Not sure what's the matter as she was doing so well. My bf seems to think she is fine, but he's not the one down there everyday spending time with her. She just seemed funny this afternoon. So, I took her out and put her in the pool where she just floated there by the edge looking at me....I know, when she does this, she wants me to take her out. This was really not her because she loves her pool time. I took her out and sat her on the ground and she got so stiff that she flipped over on her back
So I grabbed a sweatshirt I had in my car and dried her off with it and sat her on my lap....she laid her head down on my arm and started to fall asleep. When I went to put her back in her "area" of the duck shed (she has to be kept seperate as the others would probably kill her) and she kept getting stiff again, her legs weren't working with her at all. She would get stiff, hold her wings out to balance herself and put her bill onto the ground with her neck arched, almost like she was trying to hold herself up. When I put her in there she also didn't go straight for the food, which she ALWAYS does! I'm so worried that I'm going to go there tomorrow and find something I really don't want to
I don't know what else to do for her. If this keeps happening I'm starting to think the kindest thing to do is to put her down.

She was doing so good, she is even starting to get her big girl feathers on her wings (the blood feathers) at 10 weeks old.....seems like all of our progress is all coming undone
I hope she was just having an off day. Let us know how she is doing today..
Ohh no. I just started catching up. How discouraging. I hope it was just one bad day and she is back to her usual upswing soon.
Sorry I didn't update last night. She seems to be doing better again! Not sure what happened that night but I was scared. Here are some pictures from yesterday so you can see the progress she's making

In this one you can see her wing feathers are finally coming in!
Really happy for that update! I wonder if anyone on here has an idea of what that was that happened? She really is looking so much better. Thanks for sharing.

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