Opinions on turken eggs?


10 Years
Mar 12, 2009
At the hatchery they were clearing out space for new chicks, and asked if I'd be willing to take 10 turkens for free. The lady there assured me that their eggs tasted better than any other eggs out there. Thought I'd ask the opinion of the experts - what you think? Are turken eggs yummy? How do they compare to RR eggs, or Sex Link?
We tried about five turkey eggs, fried, Saturday morning for breakfast and they were very good to three of the four of us. My son-in-law thought that the turkey egg yoke tasted a little "sweet", but I mixed mine all up and could not tell any difference with the Buff Orpington eggs that we had eaten earlier in the meal. Bruce
My naked neck girls' eggs taste just like every other egg I get here....the only difference is the color of the shell! And I will say mine are SUPER SUPER good layers! Very friendly little hens, too!
I find my 3x a week pink turken egg to be just as yummy as the other eggs.I personally love the turkens though, they are sweet,loveable,funny and just great to have around.I know a lot of people hate looking at them but i am one of those people who thinks the uglier the better lol.
By SUPER SUPER do you mean quantity or quality? And, would you say they taste the same hard-boiled too? My turken chicks are about 8 wks old now, and I'm loving their personalities. Here's a couple of pics I took yesterday - isn't that one pretty boy? And, check out the E.T. neck on the other one - crazy!


I mean quantity! And I guess quality, too, but I am a little biased towards my NN girls
I have 3 NN hens and get an egg per day from each, 6 days a week. For some reason they take Sundays off
I get double yolkers from them on a consistent basis, I just can't figure out which one of them is doing it!

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