Orange Tabby...He Stays and His Name is Finn (Update with Videos Dec 31)

Yes, we positively loathe this cat.
If he goes off for too long, DH goes off into the woods looking for him. He ran off when DH was using the lawnmower to bring wood up from the back area and he was soon brought back from across the power line easement road. DH just has to go into the woods doing his best Finn "meow" imitation and if Finn hears him, he will answer and soon, cat and cat hater are reunited.
What a pretty view you have with all the trees changing color. So 'cat-hater' is now 'cat-hunter'? LOL, I think that's hilarious how he's become attached. Thanks for sharing the videos.

So, has Finn put in his wish list to Santa yet?
What a pretty view you have with all the trees changing color. So 'cat-hater' is now 'cat-hunter'? LOL, I think that's hilarious how he's become attached. Thanks for sharing the videos.

So, has Finn put in his wish list to Santa yet?

well, leaves are pretty much all gone now except for a few stragglers. They are piled on the ground and meadow mice make tunnels in them to torment Finn.

We don't do Santa here but I think Finn is pretty going to be spoiled year round as it is, LOL.
Finn is about to get himself into some hot water around here. He has been play-stalking and charging the chickens all morning, mainly the roosters. Deacon and Rex made themselves scarce, Rex took his hens to the back forty behind the big compost pile, but not Atlas or Isaac. Atlas refused to be intimidated by Finn, even keeping the cat away from me! He didn't attack the cat, though Finn kept play charging him from under the bantam coop, but he patrolled between the cat and his hens and the cat and me. Good Atlas!

When Isaac got to free range and Finn ran headlong into him, Isaac did not flinch. He lowered his head, raised his hackles and if Finn hadn't beat feet elsewhere, he would have been spurred. Ike has the spurs to do some damage, too. Finn is being majorly annoying to the chickens today, when up until now, he's ignored and avoided them. Guess he's full of himself today. May get him a puncture wound if he's not careful!
Finn is about to get himself into some hot water around here. He has been play-stalking and charging the chickens all morning, mainly the roosters. Deacon and Rex made themselves scarce, Rex took his hens to the back forty behind the big compost pile, but not Atlas or Isaac. Atlas refused to be intimidated by Finn, even keeping the cat away from me! He didn't attack the cat, though Finn kept play charging him from under the bantam coop, but he patrolled between the cat and his hens and the cat and me. Good Atlas!

When Isaac got to free range and Finn ran headlong into him, Isaac did not flinch. He lowered his head, raised his hackles and if Finn hadn't beat feet elsewhere, he would have been spurred. Ike has the spurs to do some damage, too. Finn is being majorly annoying to the chickens today, when up until now, he's ignored and avoided them. Guess he's full of himself today. May get him a puncture wound if he's not careful!

Lol....cats will be cats. Mine just get pecked my hens and then they realize they arnt fun lol. The cats egos get deflated lol....kind of funny. :lau
Hi speckledhen, did the craft fair in KY happen yet? Hope Blue Roo does well for you! I've visited your website, you all do some beautiful things.

P.S. How's our friend Finn getting along?
Hi speckledhen, did the craft fair in KY happen yet? Hope Blue Roo does well for you! I've visited your website, you all do some beautiful things.

P.S. How's our friend Finn getting along?

Due to some flub-up by the folks running the fair, they lost their venue and it was cancelled after all our work.
So, LH is waiting for another one after the first of the year, maybe a spring fair she can get into. Thanks for the compliment! The manager of the county co-op where we buy our feed bought six items from our web store, very nice order, I guess partly for her and partly for gifts. Super nice lady and a great place to buy livestock feeds as well, good prices for anyone in the GA/NC/TN tri-state area up here in the mountains. I was able to knock off some $$$ since we have shipping costs built in for ease of ordering and deliver it right to the co-op for her since I needed layer pellets anyway. She was quite happy.

Finn is getting pretty darn comfy here. He thinks my rooster Deacon is his personal live toy and he delights in charging him to see him hoot and cackle, jump and run. Crazy cat. He is not so lucky with my 18 week old pullet, Sammie Jo, however, whom I let out to roam with Deacon or the old hens she lives with occasionally. She chases Finn, LOL. Cat has to hide under a coop to get away from her. She ducks her head, spreads out her wings and charges after him.
I'm a little miffed at his cat antics and have some scratches to show for his playful attitude. He has his mouse that he throws around when he's in the house, but he loves to grab hold of the humans as well, not one of my favorite things about cats in general. Ouch.
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Silly Finn. Grown chickens are NOT to be messed with. I have a couple of former barn kittens that lived in one of my pens until they were old enough to get fixed and get shots. One was wise enough to leave the chickens alone. Dodger just couldn't resist tormenting them though. That all ended the day one of the hens had HAD ENOUGH. She pecked him right between the eyes and would puff up and screech every time he got near. Dodger learned his lesson and has left them alone since. Mostly the chickens just ignore him now. The guineas on the other hand chase him off every time they see him.

This is baby Dodger hanging with the hens. :)


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