Orange Tabby...He Stays and His Name is Finn (Update with Videos Dec 31)

I have two other patterns to use that don't include that stuffed edge, maybe a tad easier. Finn sure seems to have taken to it, but when we go let the chickens out, he will be ousted. He looks so cozy in there, shame, eh??
Oh my!!! He looks realllly comfy!! I love it. Finn reminds me of a don't find the cats, the cats find you. One of my best ever cats just randomly showed up at our mailbox one day, and we just clicked. Your story and Finn's reminds me of her. So sweet. :love
He loves that bed. He slept in it outside on the chair all night last night, after sleeping in it all day long, too. When it gets too cold or windy, he goes into the cat condo, but otherwise, he is in that crocheted bed.
This cold morning, a well-behaved tabby has taken a station where my late dog Cody would have planted himself if he was still with us. Please forgive the super dusty wood stove-it's that time of year. Finn ate his food inside and DH and myself were each messing around on our computers when hubby asked where the cat was. He was looking all over the house for the missing cat while Finn was sitting there all prim and proper the entire time.
That's one very comfortable looking cat! Smart little Finn, to stake out a prime place in front of the stove. That's a great looking stove, is that a cast iron tea pot?

Hope you all had a good Thanksgiving!
That's one very comfortable looking cat! Smart little Finn, to stake out a prime place in front of the stove. That's a great looking stove, is that a cast iron tea pot?

Hope you all had a good Thanksgiving!
Yes, it is! It was my grandmother's.

We had a pork roast and some dressing and that's it. It was good. And we probably had 1/8 the calories everyone else did yesterday, LOL.
That's really nice to have your grandmother's tea pot. DH & I used to have a tea and spice store and one of the things I really liked about it were all the wonderful tea pots we had. One type we sold were cast iron and they had the most beautiful Asian designs on them. It was my favorite thing to order for the store and it almost hurt to sell them, lol.

This is the one I kept for myself:

My grandmother was a quilter and I have a couple of her old quilts. Nothing better to wrap up in than one of those old quilts and seeing her handiwork. Very warming.
That's very pretty! I have quilts from both my grandmothers and I quilt myself, as you probably know, though I have taken a break for the summer. Time to get back to it when I finish a cat cave bed I'm doing for the local Taste of Blue Ridge auction in the spring (benefits the Humane Society).
Cats love cave beds. You'll have to share a photo of it when it's done.

Have a good day today and tell Finn 'hi' from one of his many admirers!
Oh how sweet! I love orange tabbies, they are just the sweetest.

He puts up with my 4 year old. :)

He's a good sport that's for sure.

How precious

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