
Yes, I believe it was Lensters. I bought some really nice rabbit cages from him. Wish I'd bought more of the water bottles, now that everything is frozen and I am carrying water from the house to the rabbits.

So far, I can break the ice on the duck and goose water, but that will end soon.

The ducks are lovin' the snow. It's like a bunch of little kids, let out of school for a snow day.
Was that Lensters? He's on here under that name.

That's right! I completely forgot about Lensters. Yes, I would check with him. I'm not sure if he still is raising them or if he was selling out (he closed the hatchery) but it is worth a try. Sorry...should have remembered
Does anyone in the Portland, Salem or cloes by within 50 miles preferably have a Buff Orpington Rooster needing a new home? I need a breeding age guy with decent looks. Thanks
A day after "Happy Thanksgiving" to all. Enjoying my 4 little fuzzy bottom b/bs Marans from New Hampshire that hatched.
And looks like one of my blue marans from the broody that quit last week is pipped in the incubator. Yeah, chickies!!!
Love the fuzzy little legs on my shipped egg chicks.
Happy Day all.
darn and double darn
we lost two hens with in 10 days of each other..first was out lovely tricolored "buff" orp goldie loaf who was egg bound and I missed the signs.. two was my favorite hen Henny penny.. we came home from shopping and found her headless and dead with feathers all over the yard.. what eats just a chicken head in oregon city?? needless to say both girls are buried beyond the river. each buried with one of their own eggs... phooey..sad sad day..

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