
Down here we have Grange's rather than Wilco's. We got some of the more unusual breeds BUT the chick person ordered them as soon as the hatchery started taking orders. They are already sold out on some breeds for the rest of the season. Something else that can mess up orders is bad hatchs at the hatchery.

I also have a hard time staying away when the chicks start, but I'm in there for feed anyway.
The Newberg Wilco does take pre-orders, so sometimes certain deliveries of entire breeds are totally reserved well in advance. Not all the breeds are brought in at once, and some breeds are brought in more than one time through the season. You can have someone look through their order book and tell you what is left and when they will arrive, and then you can reserve some of those. ALSO ... sometimes people don't come to pick up the chicks they order, so they go up for grabs on Saturdays (or maybe even super late Friday if you "just happen" to be there at closing time). I know this because last year I stalked the Easter Egger supply and scored some which had been reserved by other people.

I like to pick up my chicks as soon as they arrive for various reasons -- if you reserve chicks someone from Wilco will call you when they arrive.

I think this chick season goes on for a while, so it MIGHT be possible to get a "special" order in if you want something in particular, but don't quote me on that. 

Talk to Liz at the Newberg store if she's available as she is the designated chick person. She is really great with customer service. But others should be able to look through the book for you.

Newberg Wilco is having their chick event on Thursday the 7th of March from 6 to 7:30, and after that you get 25% off regular price of all chick supplies and a $5 off coupon for any Purina products. They keep the store open late that night.

No, I don't work there, but I'm in there pretty often ... doing chicken math. :oops:
Liz. Check. Preorder. Check. Chicken book double check. THANKS!
For those of us with a Grange Co-op nearby, they have a chick special from March 1-10.

Buy a 40 or 50 pound bag of feed and get three RIR or BR chicks for free.

Just in time too, I need to get some more rabbit and chicken feed.

I like my local Co-op. They let me see the list of what chicks they have on order for what week. I now know what weeks to stay away unless I want to come home with more birds.
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I'm sorry I can't answer that question. (My husband says "They're the type that poop a bunch") :)

I got the eggs from a farmer in Tillamook who had to clear the nest out of his goat pen because he had a doe due to kid there within the week. I can try to contact him to find out, but I'm not very confident that he would know, although he seemed to be very particular about his birds and their sources. They are all from a single hen and a single drake.

But they are super cute, friendly, and absolutely adorable. I just don't need 12 of them. (Found homes for a few already)

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