ouch...my eyeball! (the BIG update, pg. 7)

Miss Jayne!

Wow what an eventful day yesterday! Glad that you are going to be ok. let us know about the eye doctor today.

Will you still be able to come to my place on Saturday? Let me know if it needs to be postponed.

Praying for a quick recovery!

here is my new chicken proof outfit!

thanks, i'm in agreement with that prayer and yes, i can still come on Saturday.
i will PM you for the info and what not!

thanks Marrie! i appreciate it, and as you can see with the uniform, i should be good to go, except i stepped on a nail too this morning. went right up through my boot!

just call me Calamity!
Just read your post! So sorry you got pecked. I scratched my eye years ago, but I remember it hurt like the dickens! Glad you are feeling better. Take care...and love your chicken proof outfit! Do you have steel toe shoes on?? Can't forget about your toes!!
those are mirrored, but you can still see through.

no kidding on the teeth, my little australorp, Matilda took a good look at them and went for it the other day. i don't give her a 'toothy' smile any more!

chickflick...no, not steel toed, and thinking that i need steel shanks too!
Thank God for BYC so we can all learn from our oopseees! Honestly i never would have thougth of one of these little guys/gals pecking an eyeball! They love red toenail polish in a flip flop. DD found that out the hard way! LOL.

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