Our Babies Died a Terrible Death

While I can appreciate the owners feelings about his dog getting shot, if it happened on your property while the dog was attacking your chickens, he has no legal grounds to have you arrested for this.
Tough situation. Most dogs are not malicious -- they simply have natural instinct. They see prey and they go after it. The dog should not have been on your property. On the flip side, a stronger run or coop would have prevented him from reaching the chickens and avoided the carnage on both sides. Hopefully lessons were learned from this episode.

Unfortunately, you have probably made an enemy for life with that neighbor. It could escalate even worse. I don't envy the situation you are in.
If I catch one in the act tie his butt up and hold him indefinitely until paid for any damages. If he doesn't have county tags get his tags and vaccinations updated and charge for that too. Charge them for his food and care too.Maybe next time they won't allow it to run loose.An electric fence is your best friend if you have chickens and neighbors that won't keep their dogs up.

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