Our Beloved Suede Is Gone: January 2007-September 2012

He was such a good roo, i am so sorry you lost him
I'm not much for naming chickens but as soon as I saw the words Suede I thought that is the speckled hen's rooster. I have been reading your post for several years now and feel like I know you.
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Gosh, Diana, you lost yours not long ago, too, and we had even discussed me sending you eggs from Suede's hens. Even then, fertility was sketchy at best. I would have loved for you to have your own Suedenator, but I just didn't think it would be your best bet for a new rooster. A pity, too, because Suede was so good to his girls and so easygoing with people and always seemed to pass that on to his sons, no matter which hen they came from.

Life is still odd without him here. We still call that coop "Suede's coop", probably always will.

Here is his final resting place, with thick stones that we dug out of the huge hole. Nothing will move those heavy things and he will be undisturbed. The one on the left is about 5" thick. He's buried next to Shadow, who died unexpectedly a couple of weeks prior, so we lost our Purple Princess and my Big Blue Turkey, the smallest and the largest, very close together. We don't bury all of the ones who pass, but some deserve a place of honor. Isaac will have his near Suede when he goes.

That rock looks like sandstone you could dremel their names & dates on the rock.
I'm not much for naming chickens but as soon as I saw the words Suede I thought that is the speckled hen's rooster. I have been reading your post for several years now and feel like I know you.

Hi, Patty. I'm honored that you've been keeping up with me. From what you said, I see you read more than you post, so thank you for posting here on Suede's thread.

7L, I do think it's sandstone. We have TONS of that running all through this property. Thanks for the suggestion. We may just do that. We once cut our names in one huge boulder with the jet stream of the hose so with a more controlled dremel, I bet we could put Suede's name on that boulder.
Hi, Patty. I'm honored that you've been keeping up with me. From what you said, I see you read more than you post, so thank you for posting here on Suede's thread.

7L, I do think it's sandstone. We have TONS of that running all through this property. Thanks for the suggestion. We may just do that. We once cut our names in one huge boulder with the jet stream of the hose so with a more controlled dremel, I bet we could put Suede's name on that boulder.
I planted a tree in honor of my mother & scribed her name & dates of her life on a piece of sandstone & leaned it against the tree its been there for years.. I have since planted a tree in honor of my father & I need some more sandstone. Just a thought.
I also place large stones on my chicken graves and I thought I'd cheer up the little graveyard a bit by planting a rose bush in the middle. So I went to the nursery and bought the prettiest, flashiest rose they had. Now my chickens will still get flowers on their graves, even though I'm not there any more.
It is always so empty without the head rooster running around. And it always sucks that when you can start seeing your rooster decline, their fertility is gone and you can't even hatch a son. Caleb's been gone for over a year now but he still brings fond memmories. I'm sure your Suede will be around for a long time in spirit. Am growing up some chicks from Wynette which are absolutely beautiful, but they sure do have some big feet to fill.
Oh gosh.... I am so sorry Speckledhen. Having such a big, kind rooster for that long of a time... I can't even imagine how you must be feeling. May he rest in peace and may his girls remain healthy.

Thank you Cyn for the email...I had NO idea that Suede had passed on. I am so sorry, Cyn and Tom! Hugs to you both on the loss!

I remember the times we all got excited about you hatching out Suede from BamaChicken's eggs...that started the Blue Orpington craze going on and it kept on going for a couple of years people wanting your eggs and chicks from the Blue Suede shoes LOL!

Between Hawkeye, Zane and Suede, you can not ever let them be forgotten and they all had imprinted in our minds in a good LONG time! We knew that there will be a day that they would not be here any longer than what we wanted them to be. All we have stories we can look back on the old BYC and new BYC forums, laugh, share the tears and hugs.

Good bye, my dear Suede blue shoes, you have danced on my heart for a long time...now to be silenced but not forgotten. May your descendents continue for a good long time! In the next ten years, we will find some Blue Orpingtons that trace back to Suede. Some pedigree they will have!

Cyn, do you have any idea if anyone is breeding PURE Orps from Suede?
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I honestly don't know who has too many of his progeny anymore other than Cetawin. I haven't kept up since it's been years since I mailed out hatching eggs from that group. Cetawin has several of his daughters running with her blue Orp rooster, Lancelot. Lance is unrelated to Suede, but her second-in-command is Hector, the son of Suede and Meg, which would make him 1/2 Blue Orp, 1/4 Buff Orp and 1/4 RIR.

joletabey (Beth) has a blue son of Suede who looks very much like him that she calls Ultrasuede and he has fathered several kids, if I'm not mistaken.

Robin, I knew you'd want to know. You were always so fond of Suede. I love this line you wrote:

Quote: Thank you so much for that.
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