Our Egg Hatching thread! Hatch: Nov. 7th (Hatching Video PG 57)

island.girlie, thank you very much.

I'm a stay-at-home mom, so I won't be "working" during hatch, but I may have to get the kids to and from school.

All righty. Time for my update. Would have been on sooner but had to do the trick-or-treat thing tonight!

I still think all 12 of the November 7th batch are good to hatch. Let's just hope that I do the humidity thing right! EEEEE. Chickens!

And batch #2, the refrigerated eggs.... I see VEINS! The one I can see most clearly into is the blue egg. And I definitely see twins! It's incredible to witness the two "beans" on either side of the shell. I have a feeling the ginormous egg has viable (thus far) twins in it too. Only one of the eggs seems clear... and I mean clear. I think it's a wind egg. The people who sent me the eggs have never hatched their own, so my father-in-law seems to think they'll be very excited to hear their eggs are viable.
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A lady contacted me today wanting to buy chicks... I told her I had some due this comming week. Yay! I just hope thay hatch now lol.
congrats on you're chilly babies!
Well my two silkie eggs that were in the hatcher are dead. Why can't I have silkies...

I am pulling everything from the turner that is due this week on Monday - some are due the 6th, some the 7th - then I have two serama mix eggs I still need to figure out when they are due.
I candled all these eggs tonight and pulled two frizzle quitters. That leaves 19 due to hatch this week and 2 serama eggs due ummm in November sometime.
I have a silly question. I see several of you refer to moving the eggs from the bator to the hatcher. What's the difference? Don't most people hatch in the incubator?

I didn't candle mine tonight (yet) as we were out doing the trick-or-treat thing as well. I may still do it since it's day 14. That and I have to stay up until a certain 16 year old is ready to come home from a Halloween party. Gotta have something to do while I wait!

PBJ, I'm so sorry to hear about your silkies. I can't offer any advice, as I know nothing about them, but don't give up. You'll have success eventually.
a lot of people like myself have two incubators. One the eggs are in for the 18 days, The second one gives us the oportunity to have it temp set and higher humidity set for hatching. That way its ready and you dont have the eggs out long and then try to get the humidity raised it ready when you are. Just makes it easier
If all your eggs have the same hatch date then you won't need a hatcher. I have 2 separate ones because I have eggs that are due at different times.
BTW...I got silkies due on the 7th!

Wow. Just two days until we take the turner out. :eek: I can't believe it's already this close! I'm going to borrow my mom's video camera and record it. I'll edit together a little movie of the chicks hatching and then post on YouTube.

Riocotesei, congrats on the lady watching to buy the chicks! Here's to hoping they all hatch for ya!

pbjmaker, I'm sorry about your Silkies.
I wonder if Silkie eggs need just a little bit different conditions than the other eggs do.

kodiakchicken, I don't think they can move much in there now anyway, so there's not much to see other than an occasional chicken foot.

Jamie, good thought on the reason for two incubators.

Rebecca, good luck with your silkies!
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