Our English Orps

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Kathy I think you need to send that blue girl back to me.
She is a mighty pretty pullet. She must be about four months old. I want to see her when she is 8 months.
Germaine was in overload. Yep I was, and I still am but feeling better everyday. Too many chickens and I want them all. Too many predators and I want none.

And then vacation. So,... I come back and see these gorgeous Orps and want to know--where are mine?

Bama, I am down to (I think) 7 Orps of yours after the predator issues while I was gone. I am just sick. I must have lost over 30 birds. My sweet Dad had no idea they were being picked off during the day. He did great at locking them in at night.

Early last week I was outside hanging tarps for some extra shade at 7:30 pm and the Roos started going off. I looked around the corner and there it was (at least one of them) and it had just killed a Blue Orp. While I was around the corner...

It looked like a huge fox so I don't know if it was a fox or a young coyote.

No more free ranging for my birds until I can make get a fence up for them. This is very frustrating.

Kathy, I am thrilled for you and your special new Orps from Joy-- and your favorite girl from Julie is beautiful.

JULIE!! No hogging all of Kathy's giveaways!! Me first, me first
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Germaine, I am SO sorry for your losses- that is heartbreaking. And I bet your poor Dad feels just awful!

Ahem, everyone else stand back, as I happen to be first in line for Kathy's giveaways.
Thanks !! The breeder that I got my birds from in the UK does not have a website. I was lucky enough to find him from e-mailing another UK website who gave me his information.

oh well i'll keep dreaming lol
I'm cooking mine away...can't wait to add these into my Orp project.

I'm looking into importing, as apparently my mom's next-door neighbor has a mum w/birds, breeder pals, and goes home to England constantly...woohoo!
Yes, I can hardly wait to see her in a few months! I love watching these Orps grow and develop.

NO, I will not be sending her back to you! That would just be too traumatic for her.
Germaine, I am so sorry about your birds. It happens though. I lost a gorgeous blue 7 month old cockerel a few weeks back because I left him freeranging on the yard. I think it must have been a coyote because it ate everything but head and feet and feathers which were all left in a clump and I couldn't find a trail anywhere of feathers or parts. Ate bones and all. It was huge bird that weighed at least 10 or 11 lb. I haven't let anyone else out unless I am here.
Glad your back though. Hope you had a great vacation.

Kathy i really do hope she turns out as beautiful and typey as she looks now and is a help to you.
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