Our Flock Photos

@NathanZee Awesome pictures..

Do you stay with your ducks when they go to the "swamp" looks like they have a pretty good walk.
Thanks! Yes I do, its on the other side of our property about a 1000 feet away so I don't like to leave them there alone.

Oh, priceless. Amazing photographer you are. I loved Nyasa's shots in the beginning. Esp the one where he's coming in full frontal and you see his webs. Snuggles is bitty. I love Dory. I thoroughly enjoyed these sights and the commentary was excellent. Thank you for posting.
Aww thanks!
Your welcome!
@NathanZee , I loved all the pictures! The flying duck pics, puffy duck pics, and close-up duck pics were my favorites.
It's so cool that you guys have a swamp! Are your ducks reluctant to leave it?
Quote: Thanks! I wish that one was in focus though. You should, they are great ducks!

Quote: Not even Pippin likes flying?

Quote: Thank you so much! Yes, it is nice! Although this year its pretty small.
They usually swim about a hour then they are ready to go home.

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