Our four-legged friends - A thread for special dogs, cats and other animals

This is my dog Spike, she has stayed by my side during the last 2 years as much as she could, I've had two surgeries, and two cancers, and had gone through chemotherapy last year and she would never leave the bed unless I did, and we spent months in bed with pain, and problems walking, she even let me know I had cancer, both times, she would keep smelling my breath, then turn away. I think if it comes back she will let me know. She is my heart and soul, she saved my life. I have five other dogs that I love, but there seems to always be that one that seems a bit more, and she is.

Aw that is so touching! Thanks for sharing.
I love pitbulls! Had one yrs. ago. Had him for 10 yrs, then had to put him down because of age related problems. I was surprised he went downhill so fast with his joints, he could hardly stand. What a wonderful dog he was! You blue is so handsome! Made some nice looking pups too!

Aw I'm sorry to hear that, I am sure he was awesome. Pitbulls are amazing dogs. Thanks! His puppies were so adorable! I wanted to keep them all
Caramel the bearded dragon is good! Just redid her vivarium and she's happy. Gave her a new hide and climbing log, handmade a new basking platform for her, and put up a new background so she's happy. I am a little sad though because earlier today someone implied she was full of diseases and would get my chickens sick here on the forums. Not something you like to hear about your pet that you raised lovingly from a baby :( But I know it's not true and she's disease free, and that's all that matters. My other four legged friends are doing good too. My brother ran over my dog's paw the other day, but after a trip to the vet it's confirmed that he's fine.
Caramel the bearded dragon is good! Just redid her vivarium and she's happy. Gave her a new hide and climbing log, handmade a new basking platform for her, and put up a new background so she's happy. I am a little sad though because earlier today someone implied she was full of diseases and would get my chickens sick here on the forums. Not something you like to hear about your pet that you raised lovingly from a baby :( But I know it's not true and she's disease free, and that's all that matters. My other four legged friends are doing good too. My brother ran over my dog's paw the other day, but after a trip to the vet it's confirmed that he's fine.

I hope they didn't say it in a mean way. I had cage birds and a chameleon at one time. Reptiles do carry certain germs and bacteria, that can cross over to their distant cousins, the birds. Just remember to always wash your hands before you cross handle. Just to be on the safe side. That's what my vet told me at the time. :)
Yep, I always do! I'm actually more concerned about her catching something from the birds than the other way around, lol.
Get one! I'm a terrible enabler, lol, but seriously, they are great pets. Just be aware if you get a baby it will eat you out of house and home until it's full grown. Caramel could put away 120 crickets a day when she was growing.

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