Our roo is funny- he watches my husband and imitates his behavior!


Sep 11, 2022
Our roo follows my husband around and imitates his behavior. He’s protecting the pecked at hens, making sure they eat ( my hubby is a helicopter parent). George the roo seems to be learning from my husband as he’s follo hubby around! Any one else see this?
George follows and watches my husband and how he hand feeds the hens their treat. So since George doesn't have hands he takes a blueberry or mealworm and beak feeds each hen. If one or two hens are picking on another, not letting her eat, and pulling her feathers, my husband will keep the picked on hen close and she follows my hubby around. Now George follows the hen around and stamds guard to let her eat, stands guard over her and keeps close to her and doesn't allow other hens to pick at her. When my husband would look into the coop to see how many hens were still in there, George started going up the ladder and standing guard (probably assumed that's what my husband would do), and letting each one lay an egg at a time... George runs to chase off a 'herd' of wild turkeys and my husband was worried George would get hurt in the huge mix so both George and hubby herded the turkeys in a different direction. It was interesting to see how he followed my husband around and did exactly what hubby did.

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