Ozone Alert


9 Years
Jun 6, 2010
Knoxville, Tn
I was just wondering how many other citys and towns get them? If so what are your readings? Has anyone ever taken in to the effect on how it is affecting our chickens and chicks? I read how alot of chickens have alot of respiratory infections.( Not that mine are sick) Do you think air pollutant could be a contributor to the respiratory infections? I've had some sinus problems here lately... I'd like to hear what everyone else has to say about this....
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Redhen you MIGHT NOT but SUM ARE! There are things that can be done to help it! Yes they do have ozone alerts..
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Yes, i know that some are.... i understand. I'm just not one of them...


this a serious post?
Yep, we get them. From the end of July to the end of August our air is pretty well unsafe. I don't need an alert to tell me this, my asthma usually lets me know.
In NY I always got migraines when the ozone levels were high. I don't seem to have the same issues in Texas, but I don't think the ozone levels here get as high as they did in the Hudson Valley.

As for what you can do about it...stay indoors and don't do things that contribute to higher levels. Don't run small engines like gas mowers, gas trimmers, and personal water craft. Don't fill your gas tank, and drive as little as possible.

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