paint color inside coop walls - chicken preference??

I'm finding that choosing a paint color is about as hard a decision as what kind of chicks to get! Dark colors and you worry about getting too hot in the summer...light colors and you worry about dirt & potential loss of heat absorption in winter. Crazy colors & upsetting the neighbors. Will I like the color scheme in a few years? AAUUUGGGHHH!!!!

I'm thinking I might just take my chances with the bargain oops paint and call it a day!
I have wallpaper and paint in mine and I get an egg a day from each one of them...ROFL...Paint it a color that you enjoy being around and I am sure they will love it!


I would love to see pictures of inside of the coop if possible. I’m getting ready to do mine and looking for ideas
In all seriousness though, I understand your question as I wondered the same. In the end this is what I did.

I painted the inside of the coop the same colour as the outside, off white, because that's what I had on hand and the off-white was the same colour as the trim on our house which kept the HOA happy. It is also light and bright and airy which is good for a small coop like mine.

Now I did change the colour of the inside of the nest boxes. After much reading I learned that chickens like to lay in dark, private corners (which is why some people hang nest curtains) but they don't like to stay there and hang out in the dark once the deed is done. You don't want them hanging out in the nest boxes because then they poop in them and make a mess. You want them in, lay your egg, then get out again.

A friend had a left over sample pot of dark green/black paint they had tried on their front door, so I used that on the inside of the nest boxes. The girls have only ever laid in their nests, never found an egg anywhere else, so I think they are happy laying in there, but they have never slept (ie. pooped) in their nest boxes and don't hang out there which is good for keeping things clean. Now, is it the colour paint that made the difference or perhaps I just have very smart chickens??? It is hard to know :p

So, since you are looking for ideas my suggestion would be to paint the inside of the coop something light and bright, whatever you like, but paint the inside of the nest boxes something dark. Has worked for me (but again, maybe I just have incredibly brilliant chickens who understand the requirements of their jobs)
I'm sorry but I don't live there anymore. The coop looked like an outhouse. I put beadboard on the bottom half and painted it a robins egg blue The upper half I put flowered wallpaper that I found marked down. I loved it! Wish I had taken pics!
In all seriousness though, I understand your question as I wondered the same. In the end this is what I did.

I painted the inside of the coop the same colour as the outside, off white, because that's what I had on hand and the off-white was the same colour as the trim on our house which kept the HOA happy. It is also light and bright and airy which is good for a small coop like mine.

Now I did change the colour of the inside of the nest boxes. After much reading I learned that chickens like to lay in dark, private corners (which is why some people hang nest curtains) but they don't like to stay there and hang out in the dark once the deed is done. You don't want them hanging out in the nest boxes because then they poop in them and make a mess. You want them in, lay your egg, then get out again.

A friend had a left over sample pot of dark green/black paint they had tried on their front door, so I used that on the inside of the nest boxes. The girls have only ever laid in their nests, never found an egg anywhere else, so I think they are happy laying in there, but they have never slept (ie. pooped) in their nest boxes and don't hang out there which is good for keeping things clean. Now, is it the colour paint that made the difference or perhaps I just have very smart chickens??? It is hard to know :p

So, since you are looking for ideas my suggestion would be to paint the inside of the coop something light and bright, whatever you like, but paint the inside of the nest boxes something dark. Has worked for me (but again, maybe I just have incredibly brilliant chickens who understand the requirements of their jobs)

Do you have pictures of you inside love to see pictures inside of coops that been decorated to get ideas, If anyone willing to share would love to see them.
My coop colors:

Exterior: Dark Beige - match the our house's siding color
Windows: Hunter Green - match the evergreen nearby
Trim: Burgundy - match the adjacent plum tree and the our house's shutter color
Interior: Psychedelic Coral - bright & rebellious,... still get 4 eggs a day from 4 hens
Nest Boxes: Chicken Poop color - dark enough to lay eggs, ugly enough that no hen wants to sleep there

What is my chickens' preference? No idea. They didn't do the painting.
It's not so much decorated as just painted, but here you go.

This was mid-clean out yesterday. You can see the inside is painted off white while the nesting box (to the right) is much darker. Chickens have always laid their eggs in the right place (I did place golf balls in there to start to give them a hint) and they never hang out in there. Has worked out well for me.
I painted the inside of my coop pink. It was a gallon of Lowes red that was someone's OOPS. Mix with white and it came out Peptol Bismal pink. (Probably a misspell)

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