paint color inside coop walls - chicken preference??

lol, I found this thread by googling the same question because I'm about to paint our just built coop. I decided on a kind if grey baby blue shade I mixed from dark blue and white, because I like blue and because it won't show dirt as much as a lighter color. Gonna paint accent beams too. The coop so far, without the exterior paint
This is amazingly epic. I am also interested in interior/exterior finish for the inside of the coop. I know my exterior is going to be a tan/beige to match the workshop with forest green accents to match the shutters, but the inside I can do whatever I want :) I really like the idea of painting the inside of the nest boxes a darker color - I'm going to use that! And nest curtains, omg. They're gonna have a ritzy house, they are. Building with pallets, but lining both the inside and outside with plywood. I'm so excited to finish it, even though I only really started construction yesterday.
My coops interior is a beautiful sky blue. Just by chance I got a $40 dollar paint for $9 bucks that they colored wrong.. They seem to like it and its bright and pretty every time I have to go clean it..
My coop and run are creosote brown. *nod*

The coop came pretreated with some orangey stuff, and is quite a nice rich colour when the creosote is wet. I might slick some shellac over the flat areas to see if it shines up -- it'll wear off, of course, but that'll leave the wood ready for a top-up.

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