Partridge Silkies - Nothing else

5 weeks and they are getting big.

I'm sure these two are girls. The one on the right is the blue partridge

One of the really big boys. He's 10 ounces.

Other big boy. 10.5 ounces
She`s only on 12 and he is still in the pen......

That's cute! She'll have company and he'll probably help w/ raising the chicks! I must've miscounted on my "pause" video button. Still, a dozen eggs is quite a lot. I watch my Silkie broodies and they get so overly-fussy pulling out their breast feathers and they get so thin and that's just on an "empty" nest. We have to take our broodies out a couple times a day to make sure they exercise, eat, drink, dust-bathe, etc, before running back to their "empty" nest. Can't wait to see the babies!

Used the camera for todays pictures, not the cell. Camera picks up the flickering of florescent tubes even if I can't see it.

Used the camera for todays pictures, not the cell. Camera picks up the flickering of florescent tubes even if I can't see it.

I remember reading about fluorescent flicking on the Canon tutorial. I've only taken one pic so far and it used a flash to my surprise so the pic turned out really pretty -- of my front room bookcase LOL! Haven't got as far as figuring how to transfer pics to my computer. DH is techy so he's looking for online programs to use rather than the disk that came w/ the camera. I have been using Irfanview for a few years and really like its simplicity and ability to sharpen my poorer quality Nikon P&S camera shots. He'll get my Canon set up so I'm not worrying about it.
He's getting very dark now. Maybe a bit too dark in the hackles. He's fairly calm for not being handled much.



Hi! Does this young lady look like a blue partridge? I have a blue, but she looks a bit different. Not sure what to call this one..

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