pavlovskaya Chick breathing heavy, mouth open, lethargic

This video is longer. Shows the two set ups I have the first one is the bigger chicks and the second is the smaller ones. The way the chick is behaving I don’t think he’s gonna live very long. They are piggies but I’ve been changing out the pads and food and water frequently and checking their butts so im trying to keep them from getting sick from being dirty. Towards the end you see how he’s breathing with his mouth open and passing out standing up I moved him from the water because he was falling asleep with his head in his bowl. I set up a baby camera so I can check on him hopefully he doesn’t drown either.

Do you know what the temp is in the brooder? The way that one was acting makes me think they might be too hot.
Do you know what the temp is in the brooder? The way that one was acting makes me think they might be too hot.when took the temp it was 86 degrees and the other side is cooler.
When I took the temp it was 86 degrees and the other side is a lot cooler I’m actually worried they’ll get cold. I actually took him out and kept him away from the heat lamp and the panting never stopped and he started chirping and when I put him back he got under the lamp again.
Move the heat lamp over to one side. Food and water on the cool side.
Cool water to drink.
Chicks are avoiding the heat, they are all on the sides.
Yeah I raised the lamps and moved the food and water last night temp. He’s the only one still breathing heavy like that. I’m looking for antibiotics at this point I don’t want to lose him

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