Pea Sized Hard Lump in Hen's Throat Above the Crop Below Wattles


5 Years
Dec 18, 2014
I have a sweet golden buff sexlink hen who likes to have her throat stroked, and the other day, as I was petting her, I discovered that she has a hard pea sized lump in her throat (not her crop). I do not know what this is. I cannot find any information about it, and none of my other chickens seem to have a lump like this. I don't know if I should deworm them again, (they were wormed recently), or if I should worry at all. She has always been healthy, and has no other symptoms. She is free range and I live in the tropics. Her comb has never been as bright red as her sister's combs, but I'm not sure if that's relevant since it has always been like that. I really like my chickens, I keep their coop clean, and I try hard to be a good chicken mom. I've had several that have gotten bumblefoot in the rainy season. :( Does anyone know what this hard lump could be? It seems to stay the same in size and hardness.
Not sure what it might be. But people gets lumps and bumps, many are benign and cause not issues, hopefully that is what this is. Keep an eye on it, check for growth, pain when touched, any discharge or heat coming from the lump. Is it hard like bone? does it move when touched(cyst) or is it fixed to the other tissues? Hope she does well.
I just don't know. I am hoping it's nothing. I'll start them on a month's worth of rooster booster (don't worry I dewormed with other stuff too), do ac vinegar, and keep an eye on it, and update if it goes away or gets worse.

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