Peeling FRESH hard boiled eggs? Tips?

I put them straight into boiling water to save cooking time but when they are done boiling I immediately throw out the hot water and fill the pot with cold water to cool them down rapidly. After a minute or so that water is lukewarm, so I throw it out again and put in fresh cold water. After that, the eggs are almost cold and peel easily, even if they are fresh from the coop. The key is cooling them down right away. Once I forgot it and the shells were almost impossible to get off.
This is the answer! I start with nearly boiling water and slowly add the eggs. Bring back to a boil for 14 minutes. Plunge into ice bath. Cracking the eggs (roll on counter) while cooling helps get between the egg and the membrane . Shells will peel off nearly in one piece!
I tried steaming four uber-fresh eggs (as in two laid yesterday and two laid day before yesterday) for the first time last night and they peeled horribly! No membrane separation at all; so much white stuck to the membrane/shell. I was so excited about steaming because I'd heard so many good things about it working for fresh eggs...I brought the water to a boil, set the eggs in the insert, covered and steamed for just over 12 minutes. Once timer went off, dunked eggs in ice bath for approximately 10 minutes. Did I do something wrong?
Ima pretty good egg boiler LOL but I have to admit fresh eggs can be frustrating!
What I found works for me is salt...a lot of it too.
I never added salt to my water until my fresh eggs.
I do not plunge them into ice water (used to) now I just let them come down in temperature in a strainer. When they are still warm (don’t burn my fingers lol) I peel them then. Best wishes
I'm pretty new to chickens, so I have been trying all the methods listed above. What worked beautifully for me this last time is this:
- Put 1 cup water into Instant Pot (or pressure cooker) with a steamer tray in it
- Add eggs (I put 7 in, use the older ones, which in our case were 3 days old)
- When the pressure is built up, time for 5 minutes.
- release steam, let sit for 5 more minutes
- put in ice water for 5 minutes
- remove eggs, dry them off, and put them in a bowl in the refrigerator
- peel a couple of hours later, or whenever you need them.

The shells came right off! This method is called the 5-5-5.
I also used the link to the instant pot hard cooked eggs. The instant pot instructions say to use more water than the recipe calls for though. Any pressure cooker will work, just use the times she gives--5 minutes at pressure, 5 minutes venting. I also used the rice cooker (it has a steamer basket) for 25 minutes. Both were far superior to cooking on the stove, but the eggs from the pressure cooker were noticeably easier to peel than the ones from the steamer.

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