What is it with people? I had a roll eyes experience, trying to sell my cockerels. First stupid question was, do they crow yet? My answer, no. Then, when do they start to crow? My answer, around 20 weeks. Never got anything after that. What is it with the stupid questions, if you're interested in a rooster that was already crowing, then don't go looking at young ones. Next I got all the usual question, whether I had hens to sell. And if I know where they can get hens....
I gave up after a while and decided to keep them, as you all know. They are good eating and before I sell them to stupid people, I'd rather keep them.
Exactly!!! I'd rather eat them than sell them to somebody shady. God knows what they do with them... If somebody wants to buy hens and would like to add a rooster... fine.

That was a rather stupid question. And WHY would you want a rooster that crows?
The eggs I got sent, all have rolling air cells! 😨 It's just terrible, I feel sick but I will try my best to get them in better shape.They are now in the incubator upright and I will just have to swivel them by hand now until I can candle, and see if any at all, are developing.
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@chickengr , I saw you are / were interested in Brakels. Check the article if you like to read more. Jan Schaareman sells abroad in the EU, Maybe a thing to keep in mind if you plan to buy eggs for next spring. He has a website in Dutch, if you want to contact him.

Brakel bantams:

thank you. I need to move to my new place in the country before I get new birds but unfortunately with this covid terrorism things are going backwards.
It's not easy but it gets easier. At the moment I have a young hen, she can't walk. Lifts up her foot even when laying down. I wanted to butcher her... but I just ordered those sticky bandages to give her some support. I wanted to give her a chance. I don't like to butcher either. But I do it when I must. Either to make space (who wants to buy a rooster? Not many)... or suffering. I do enjoy the meat and appreciate their life and that they gave it for me to eat. There is always a sad feeling when I do.

I do eat my chickens but I am not at home when someone is butchering them.
Hi all :wee
@BDutch advised me to ask here about these strange black lices that i'm finding on my Silkie called Batì. Maybe someone in Europe knows how to treat them. At the moment the magic DE doesn't seem to be working :sick:sick I tried to search on Google but i didn't find this type, only the orange type (that i usually treat with DE without problems...). have you ever seen this?


there is a powder called PUBEX PLUS, I think made by bayern. it is plant based and it worked for me.
I'm just a little ticked off....
On August 17 a guy wanted to buy then 3 of my hens from 2019. He said early September if I were willing to wait. I said sure... a few days later one of those hens died (the crop story). He still wanted the 2 hens.
Late August I asked him when he was thinking he'd come. He said he doesn't know yet he needs to find somebody with a car. He said either on the 5th or 12th he should have somebody. I said fine.. but 12th of September is all I will hold them for.
Now I get a message where he says he'll come on the 19th. grrrr... NO Sir!!! I told him.. I will put them back on the market. If they are still available he can have them. But I will put them back on the market. He then offered Friday (a day before the 19th) as the earlier option.
I said... sorry.. I am putting them back on the market anyways! What am I? Stupid? People like that really make me mad.
So I put them back out on the market.

I have the same problem with my last puppy (german shepherd).
@Waves Do be sure the poison is harmless for chickens. They can really get sick from poison for dogs and cars. And it’s not good for you’re own health to eat eggs or meat from chickens that have been poisoned.

pubex plus is safe for chickens. I used it on a 5 days old chick a few years ago. it kills ticks as well.
So the chickens got a new tarp over their run. My old girl, who is prone to stay in the run to steer clear of the roosters, watched me work. She seemed to like the lighter colour, I got white this time, the old one had holes and didn't fit as well as this one. It was a silver grey.

My large cone arrived and the medium wasn't with it, so i'm fighting with the seller, who's email doesn't work, over amazon. Want's pictures for proof, but couldn't send any, because his email on his seller account , comes back as non existent, so asked for a proper email to send them and no answer...

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