What is everyone up to for the weekend? I am pledged to make 'crepes' as a fundraiser for my little ones school tomorrow morning. The middle has rugby training tomorrow arvo (they were supposed to have a game but the club has closed the field where they were due to play - too wet!) so will be a day of running around! (30 od km round trip - luckily share wiht another faimly so just do one trip and they do the other!). iId like to suss out what tarps I have in the barns and try to put up a cover for the chickens as well, they are just so wet!!!

I am planing to fight moles! Any advice? I am going to try with fire starter, my neighbour got rid of them that way.
I am planing to fight moles! Any advice? I am going to try with fire starter, my neighbour got rid of them that way.
Never heard of that! Every time I'v had them by the time I start looking into options they've moved on! I do like th
Forecast for dry weather here so hubby and I spent today sketching out building plans for my first ever coop and plan to break ground tomorrow :wee
Very exciting - you'll have to get some pics for us!
I am making a shelter for my sebastopol geese. as my building permit is still ages away I need to steal a part of my (3)chicken's run and separate them from the rhine's geese.
my parents tried all and nothing worked. my terrier mix dogs did a great job.
I don't know but I have to do something, they are right in front part of yard and they are very annoying. I don't mind them behind(even thought I would also like to not have them at all) , but in front where everyone can see them and my grass gets killed I hate it!
No pictures yet as today was all spent clearing ground. Original plan for location was changed once we got out and put the first spade in the ground and found it simply too wet and waterlogged. It is a high spot in the garden so we were surprised to find it still so wet. Moved to second location option and found great drained soil. As one may expect, the great drained soil spot was heavily overgrown with brambles and rushes necessitating a significant cut out and clean up. Hoping to set the corner posts by end of tomorrow.
I yesterday afternoon moved my sebastopol geese to their new shelter and run and they seem to be very happy! I should dig my other waterfowl's run as it looks like a muddy lake but I am too tired. I hope to do it by the end of the day.
Nothing to report, sorry. Was hacked overnight and have spent the day trying to recover and lock down all my online accounts. :mad: The curse of being connected to the world. Wish I could just walk away from the internet but it is such an easy way to learn and connect with those beyond my locality, sigh.
I yesterday afternoon moved my sebastopol geese to their new shelter and run and they seem to be very happy! I should dig my other waterfowl's run as it looks like a muddy lake but I am too tired. I hope to do it by the end of the day.
I know that feeling - my list of 'to do' is always so much longer than my list of 'have done' and my list of energy levels (I'm also low on iron which doesn't help!!).
Hoping to set the corner posts by end of tomorrow.
Did you manage?
Nothing to report, sorry. Was hacked overnight and have spent the day trying to recover and lock down all my online accounts. :mad: The curse of being connected to the world. Wish I could just walk away from the internet but it is such an easy way to learn and connect with those beyond my locality, sigh.
OH NO so sorry to hear that - what a nightmare! We haven't used Windows in probably 15 years so haven't had to worry about all that crap with Linux! I hope that everything manages to get lock down in time, you have my sympathy - horrible violated feeling. My poor godmother sent 'my mum' (not) gbp800 as she thought mum was stuck in Malaysia in dire straights (according to the email she received from (not) her!).
Where did the weekend go - didn't stop. I intend to do as nothing as I possibly can tomorrow after school run as it is my birthday!

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