Hallo ladies! So long since my last post. Things here have gone crazy. About a month ago, I got a phone call from a local team, saying that they needed help with coaching. I had coached American football here in Europe for over 18 years, and only stopped to train my son with his shooting. So, I agreed to help for only this year as it was too late to find another coach. Then.....this craziness started! No more football, school closed and my wife and I had to rearrange our work hours. After doing homework with the girls, I leave here at 12.30 and get home anytime after 18.00, change clothes and go to our new workshop. Ryan (son) and I have rented a large space in an old barn, where we are building our forge. My daughters help as much as possible, not really, but it gets them out of the house and they are learning how to use tools. Or in the case of the little one, carry tools around for us.

This damn virus is wrecking our plans! I had hoped to relocate the hen's run and build a new coop. But no one can come and help us carry the run to the new location, as I don't want to take it apart. And at the end of the month, we were putting on a new roof to the house and remodel the attic into a shooting range, instead of just being a cold space. The contractor is not sure when they are able to come and do it.

Our hens are enjoying the new freedom they have. I unwrapped the run and the wife lets them get an hour or two of free ranging in the garden. And the wife, who went from "I'm not taking care of the hens" to now reading a book, sitting aside food scraps, gathering eggs, and letting them free range while she is working the garden. They follow her as she hoes and gets all the worms and bugs. I think they enjoy each other's company as I heard her talking to them!

So? How are you all holding up?
Hey John,
right here https://www.gefluegel-bachmann.de/. I used to live in that area... my best friend still lives there. Usually (not now) I go visit for the day and pick up chicken feed.

Well, today is my last day at work. They are shutting down.
Oh NO! Am sorry to hear that! My firm is allowing anyone who can, to work from home. We will only see what happens in the next week or two!

Thanks for the info....I'll check them out!
Not sure he'll deliver in your area. That's Aschaffenburg...

Everybody comes around liking chickens... your wife... even my husband is starting to come around. :D

Good luck with your project... it's just a matter of time until it's up. We all got to be patient at the moment. We can't change it.

Take care everybody!! Wash hands... keep your distance. Stay healthy!!!
And the wife, who went from "I'm not taking care of the hens" to now reading a book, sitting aside food scraps, gathering eggs, and letting them free range while she is working the garden. They follow her as she hoes and gets all the worms and bugs. I think they enjoy each other's company as I heard her talking to them!
:gig that's adorable!
Day 20 and two hatched..one is still all wet. Only 11 this time...
At the moment the plan is to put approximately 70 eggs in on monday..last ones for this year.


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@Erba We are allmost in lockdown too in the Netherlands. But I am glad we can go out without permission for a walk or just do nothing but enjoying the nice weather as long as we don’t gather. We do have to keep 1,5 meters distance. And can get a fine if we don’t. The supermarkets are restricted for more than 1 person on /10 m2.

A lot is cancelled now. Even the national school-exams for all highs schools are canceled this year.

I’m glad I have my joy-full tiny chickens in this crisis. They don’t mind that Im working more at home right now. I can let them free range more often.

The neighbours don’t mind too. Getting tiny eggs for free. Normally I give my daughter + friend a carton of eggs if they visit. But they are afraid to visit with this Corona. They think they might have been infected in contact with a patient who was tested positive. Don’t worry. They just had very mild symptoms and all is okay now.
I don't know how much longer I am able to take these restrictions! You go shopping, people look at you like you have snakes for hair, or they avoid you all together. Go to work and they have all these new rules in placed...no more than 3 people in the office, passing paperwork and equipment through the window. Everyone is becoming unfriendly. Go for your Sunday walk and people cross the street so they can keep their distance. Go shopping and watch, people will not touch an item that you just touched!
Skype must be making millions off of this.....my son is forever on Skype with his girlfriend! I know she is going crazy...she's a hugger! 😊 My daughters are become friends....sort of. As the day goes by they become less loving to each other. My in-laws live in the apartment below us, and will not allow anyone but my wife in, (ok, they are in their 80's) but hey, I'm healthy!
I just want to do for a long drive to escape this whole madness! But where to go? Iceland?
The only place that is normal is in the chicken's run, but since the wife has adopted them....
How much more can a man stand?

So how was your day? :D

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