When I went to the Chicken Club Market in Kandern , where you can buy and sell birds near Lörrach, all birds had to come from our area. No cross border or out of State birds were able to register for sale or show. That was 2017 though.

KandernKleintiermarkt wieder mit Geflügel
Weiler Zeitung, 04.05.2017 - 00:59 Uhr
Kandern. Ab dem kommenden Kleintiermarkt am Samstag, 6. Mai, darf in Kandern dank der Unterstützung durch das Landratsamt wieder Geflügel angeboten werden. Bis zum Ausbruch der Vogelgrippe Ende 2016 war dies eine der Hauptattraktionen des Kleintiermarkts.
Allerdings gibt es wegen des Geflügelvirus H5N8 einige Punkte zu beachten: Geflügelverkäufer müssen sich eine Stunde vor Marktbeginn, also um 7 Uhr, einfinden. Es darf nur Geflügel aus dem Landkreis Lörrach und den angrenzenden Landkreisen verkauft werden.
Die Verkäufer müssen beim Landratsamt registriert sein, eine aktuelle Impfbescheinigung vorweisen und sich mindestens acht Tage vor dem Kleintiermarkt telefonisch anmelden. Nur angemeldete Verkäufer sind zugelassen.

Erst nach der Begutachtung durch das Veterinäramt wird um 8 Uhr der Verkaufsraum für Besucher geöffnet.

And just for cuteness, here is one of the chicks, the prison breaker. Now safely behind bars once again.
oh wow!! That is a lot of hassle to sell birds!!!

What a cutie! Of course a rooster! Oh, I can't wait for spring!!! :jumpy:jumpy:jumpy
Tomorrow is lockdown folks, and my last candling...cross fingers, none have quit and all chicklets made it to lockdown at least.. I ordered the Sirio humidity gage that works with all the Borotto incubators, and should be here tomorrow. Might not use it for this hatch though, because I got it just right last time. Will be much easier though, from the 1 to 18 days in the future, sometime in Spring I think, because if most of these hatch my coop will be full until I know how many males I'm dealing with.
Tomorrow is lockdown folks, and my last candling...cross fingers, none have quit and all chicklets made it to lockdown at least.. I ordered the Sirio humidity gage that works with all the Borotto incubators, and should be here tomorrow. Might not use it for this hatch though, because I got it just right last time. Will be much easier though, from the 1 to 18 days in the future, sometime in Spring I think, because if most of these hatch my coop will be full until I know how many males I'm dealing with.
Gosh, when you said lockdown I thought lockdown for people!! In these times hatching is not the first thing I think of, I guess! :th

Well, the show in Leipzig has been cancelled. https://www.lipsia-rassegefluegel.d...xXZYoOMZBGlI43eO7dC7yqbm_Xc99Ixrh7SfFdDov7l-g
It is only a matter of time that Erfurt will cancel. On one hand I am dissapointed for obvious reasons. On the other hand I think I am relieved.
Gosh, when you said lockdown I thought lockdown for people!! In these times hatching is not the first thing I think of, I guess! :th

Well, the show in Leipzig has been cancelled. https://www.lipsia-rassegefluegel.d...xXZYoOMZBGlI43eO7dC7yqbm_Xc99Ixrh7SfFdDov7l-g
It is only a matter of time that Erfurt will cancel. On one hand I am dissapointed for obvious reasons. On the other hand I think I am relieved.
You’re not the only one who thought of a Covid lockdown Abpatchy. Here it’s an item on the news bc some hospitals are getting into trouble again. One hospital is too full and refuses Covid patients now.

Of course its l a downer chicken shows are cancelled but i think its wise to postpone bigger events till after this winter or people get vaccinated.

Wish you all the luck Erba! 🐣 🐣 🐥 🐥🐣 🐣 🐥 🐣 🐣 🐥 🐥 ...
😭 OH NO! I'm so sorry. Really sucks not being able to show your birds for the first time. I really feel for you. Lets hope better days will come and this Covid 19 becomes a thing of the past.
yes, for more reasons than to show the birds.
Yes, it sucks... I would have really appreciated the feedback. But staying healthy is more important.
It has started...the race to get out, one of mine and one shipped



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