Pekin duckling has a "bruise?" on her bill PICS


9 Years
Aug 30, 2010
Western Mass
Went down to check on the girls and noticed that this Pekin (3 weeks old) has a “bruise” on her bill. It is slighty blue and kinda soft. Doesn’t seem to be bothering her, but disturbed me. She wasn’t like this yesterday. Should I be concerned? Anything I can do? Thanks



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Your right in thinking it looks like some type of hematoma going on there. I would watch it and see if it gets any bigger. If it becomes a problem I am sure you can aspirate it.

Looks like she got her beak stuck
Poor baby. I bought 1 of my ducklings with a gash on its beak and it healed up nicely on its own. Another one got a toenail scratch on beak and it also healed up. I have not seen a bruise before though. Best wishes.
it looks like a blood blister, doesn't it. I'd leave it alone, as young as she is she should heal fast. I wonder if you can do a walk-through to try to see where she got it stuck, though?
I'm sure your duckling wasn't feeling happy when it happened. One of my ducks came back with a hole in the same spot and was bleeding. I assume she hurt herself digging in the soil. I left it alone, but kept an eye on it for possible infection. It healed up nicely. You still saw the spot for several weeks, but not it is gone. You have blood blister on hand. I would not drain it. The reason is that it is sterile and free of infection as long as it is closed. You open it you potentially let bacteria in and can cause way more harm. The blood will be reabsorbed by the body and will slowly disappear. Try to figure out how it happened and prevent it from happening again.
Thanks everyone. Their brooder abuts the chick brooder. It is a large dog pen and I lined the chick side with chicken wire so the chicks couldn't slip through. My guess is maybe she was reaching through to their food and water.....I moved it to the other side.

Just wondering what happened with this little guy because my two week old pekin has a blood blister looking thing that looks identical to the posted pictures. It doesn't seem to be bothering her too much but of course as a duck mum I'm worried anyway. Did it just go away by itself?


Tayler x

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