Pekins to muscovys

Ducks hide being ill so well. Our survivor Juniper (we lost Pepper last week) was taken to the vet, looked over as a precaution. The vet (avian) was confident she was in good health if a little on the lean side. I had a blood test done just in case, losing Pepper was horribe. Turns out she has an infection and is now on antibiotics. Have been watching her carefully and she has been resting more than usual. Will be weighing her now and then to check her condition under those feathers. Day two of antibiotics and she is getting easier to catch. Hopefully not because shes sick. Grumbles a bit but has a big flap after walking away quite calmly. Hoping this keeps up so. like you said I can become familiar with her and more easily notice if something is amiss. We have ticks here too so will be good to be able to do check overs. Hard to do if a bird wont let you near.

I really hope your drake keeps well, he looks stunning!
I hope Juniper will get over her infection quick. Be sure after she finishes the antibiotic to give her some kind of probiotic since antibiotics kill good and bad bacteria and her tummy will need the probiotic to get back to normal, if you can find one that also has vitamins that will help too.
LOL probably wise that pair can increase your flock easily enough.. I recently acquired a solid black duck, boy she's hard to see @ night~. What made you decide to change? i do own a few other ducks breeds here(buffs and calls) but the bulk are still the scovie flock.
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So I've now changed the breed of ducks I own. I now have a pair of black Muscovies
Pic' s please
LOL probably wise that pair can increase your flock easily enough.. I recently acquired a solid black duck, boy she's hard to see @ night~. What made you decide to change? i do own a few other ducks breeds here(buffs and calls) but the bulk are still the scovie flock.

I switched cause I never got a single duckling from my Pekins. And they were stupid. My Pekins were rescues I got last fall.
I have scovys, and love them! the two parents and dozen young ducklings held off a great pyranees and a jack russel till my collie could be released to thrash them, pair attacked a least weasel till second best/fav barn cat could get into pen to dispatch and eat it saving eggs maybe, and daddy fought off lesser weasel till cats and dogs could drive away and dogs get out into open to tear in half.

I'm wondering how scovy compare to owning campbells and runners? health wise, mess wise, feed wise, letting free range or needing to be penned, come when you call ect, and can watch out for selves at least temp some. I originally got scovy pair to brood other types of foul, and for meat and additional eggs from the scovy.. now not sure if can sell off or eat extra drakes. so wondering how egg laying type ducks like khaki campbell/welsh harliquin (as told differnt color type of same breed), and runners, compare all around. the scovy sit on front porch in morn and then evening waiting for woman of house to come out, or along driveway waiting for her to come home from work, wagging butts furiously when she says hello to them (this is the same woman who wants to kill to eat ect my chickens and pigeons, and hates all birds). she says they are trying to tell me to "send out da fat lady or da cat gets it!", as they trap the cat and as she puts it seem to be holding him hostage till she comes and feeds them. they corner and hiss at him ect, making him cry till we open door were i then put him up on railing were safe as otherwise they chase him across yard). lol. they don't bother other four smaller cats (one cat even sleeps with tries to help herd, protects them, and even eat together), just her big useless fav baby. she yells at me not to feed them too much as the food bill is getting expensive, but i hardly feed them at all and she feeds them three four times a day at times. She says i should kill all the "danged" (close enough to word), chickens and just keep ducks mostly. she hates the roosters and threatens their lives each at least weekly with knives ect in hand, but in her defense the biggest meanest one crows right under her window. guess part of what asking as rambled was about personalities of as well?
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