Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

anyone here with personal experience with chanteclers?  They are on my 'narrowed down' list of birds that may work for us, but I don't see a lot of info on them on a day to day basis. 
Big thing with us is personality... we love spending time messing with the birds, so friendly is important. They don't have to be lap chickens, just not snobby or snippy.


Not that I'm biased.

If I set on a Saturday, I hatch on a Saturday, not sure if that wold be 21 days or 22... And my broodys tend to take a bit longer.
I hadn't, but they do seem match much of what we are looking for also... what is the average weight for adult males and females? We cull to freezer camp when we get extras with bad attitudes etc... so we want to concentrate on birds with some good size and hopefully decent breast meat also.
I am glad to see they tend to be broody...we do like that also.
The average weight for my birds is anywhere from 10 lbs. to 12 lbs. The legs and breast are where your real meat will be. They grow VERY slowly but luckily, bad attitudes are just not usually seen in the standards. Females are usually around 7-8 lbs. With large females reaching 9 lbs.

Boy do they tend to be broody....I have two bantam white hens that are broody in the same nest right now. It is not a pleasant thing...

The bantams, to me, are a bit more cost-efficient in the meat department. For their size, they pack a LARGE body and lay exceptionally well. And as always, go broody!
pssss spoken "Boppie" in PA dutch lol
You are so smart! In the summer, I have a plastic bench by the coop that I put stuff on. For the same reason as you (the spilling of water. Now the dog too) And once in the coop, I have to juggle to get the old feeders down, and the full ones up without spilling. Harder when a chicken decides to fly up onto the edge of the feeder WHILE you are holding it. A double shepherd's hook on the inside and out is a great idea! Now, what to do about the beginning of the morning. The dog chows down on the FF while I am trying to get my coat and boots on. Glad he is small. He can't eat that fast.
And IDK if I shared with you guys that a few weeks ago I was at the laundromat, and had to run to the washing machines to check my coat for the eggs I had forgotten in there that morning.

I do too. I am lost over there. Here it's like reading a story and chiming in every now and then. There I just "like" things, LOL!
See I like FB better. Easier to follow the conversation over there for me because replies are posted directly under the original thread. To me here is is like reading a book alright... page 1, page 14, page 32, page 1 page 12.....
..I do not have someone said earlier, too many people that would want to "friend"you, plus most just want to be nosey....please say ya all aren't leaving this place..
I've been so busy, & not feeling the greatest, just haven't had the time to keep on here like "normal"...will try to do better

*Ropo, congrats on your move, there is no place like home!..
*Sally- glad to hear your makin' room for more "lovelies"
*.MC- I'm am sooo glad I'm not doin' your laundry!!
...I must check the pockets of everything at least twice, one too many tissues & chap sticks for me!!!....
.**Missy- keep your chin up, things will get better and easier...they will
The average weight for my birds is anywhere from 10 lbs. to 12 lbs. The legs and breast are where your real meat will be. They grow VERY slowly but luckily, bad attitudes are just not usually seen in the standards. Females are usually around 7-8 lbs. With large females reaching 9 lbs.

Boy do they tend to be broody....I have two bantam white hens that are broody in the same nest right now. It is not a pleasant thing...

The bantams, to me, are a bit more cost-efficient in the meat department. For their size, they pack a LARGE body and lay exceptionally well. And as always, go broody!
Sounding better and better... I will do some more reading on them!

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