Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

That is very nice of you. I bet a lot of you folks do that ... you are all such nice people.
Nah! I figure the more people I can give eggs to, the less hens have to live in horrible conditions. My neighbors are just good people though. Always there to help us out. It is nice to be able to give them something in return. My one neighbor gave us veggies all summer. Our last house we lived in for 8 years and barely knew our neighbors. I like this MUCH better!
After a few days of self imposed exile in the Coop (I opened it, they don't like snow), they were sure anxious to get out this morning! Hopefully they will reward me with some eggs! Mine have gone on strike the last few days.

Yeah mine have too, I did get 1 egg this morning, will check again later....maybe I can have breakfast in the morning
That is very nice of you. I bet a lot of you folks do that ... you are all such nice people.

The list of people who get eggs from us is so long...I don't think they all realize how special they are to me.

OMG!!!  I'm thinking he's in the dog house now!!  :barnie
Not a fan of horror films here either!  Now if you were talking Airplane or Robin Hood, Men in Tights or Blazing Saddles, sign me up!! :clap
I figured you'd like that town name!  My first thought was... I didn't know there was a Harleyville, second thought was... wonder if McC knew there was a Harleyville!  :gig
OK... so Shaggy it is!!  Didn't you say once you were also a Ray and thought it would cause confusion?  If that was you, then problem now solved!!!  :lau
Laptop!??  EEwwwww... bet that was a mess! 
And yep, ours are out running around also, you'd think they'd been in Alcatraz for a year with the way they are acting! Apparently they have NO appreciation for the nice, warm, safe coop we provide them!  Ingrates!
Geesh... sounds like a lot of kids I have known!  LMAO!
Congrats!!!  I love that feeling!  We never lack for folks willing to help us out with our extra eggs either!

The ducks are still giving me the evil eye as they are locked in the yard...and the chickens have free run of the 3 acres.

Sally? Huh? 

Brownie....Nope not just any vet. has to be a state approved vet. 

Umm...I thought Blaney's pic was referring to our ears. 

To All the new folks.....Welcome aboard. 

Do your ears hang low? Do they wobble too and fro? Can you tie them in a knot? Can you tie them in a bow? Can you throw them over your shoulder, like a continental soldier? Do your ears hang low?
Do your ears hang low? Do they wobble too and fro? Can you tie them in a knot? Can you tie them in a bow? Can you throw them over your shoulder, like a continental soldier? Do your ears hang low?

Wait, are we REALLY talking about ears here?! ;)

Looks like I FINALLY get to make some pickled eggs. The past two weeks or so, I haven't been able to save more than the double yolkers! Between hatching eggs being shipped out or picked up, then a customer getting 4 doz eggs for the table, then my brother getting 3 doz, I haven't had a chance to make pickled eggs! I just got some home grown and canned beets from my brother (okay, two weeks ago) and have been wanting to make some up! My last shipment was Saturday, so now I have three dozen sitting around with no name tag on them, except my own! :D
Time to get some stuff done. Coffee first and foremost, then candles. Should probably get at least ONE box packed up for the move... Then maybe make some soap. :/ I'll wait until tomorrow to hit the store up for money and put some new candles and soaps in there.
So what are y'all planting in your gardens this year? I am trying to think about mine (in between the bangs in my head...). We are officially starting our GF diet on 2/1 and it has me thinking more and more about what I feed my kids. I am lucky that they are all good veggie/fruit eaters. I would love to plant some fruit tress and berry vines, too.

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