Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

I had a nightmare a little while ago that a jaguar got in my coop!!! 

That woul be a nightmare!

They are going into lockdown tonight !
Hoping for a lot of pullets to hatch   :fl

Fingers crossed!

It always helps to be able to point to people more crazy than you are (actually that is useful in many facets of life). There have been customers driving 1 - 2 hours each way to buy a few chicks, and last evening someone braved the ice storm to come buy 6 chicks from me. My wife knows I'd never do anything that insane, makes housing 16 half-grown chickens in the basement for another week seem sort of ok.

I made an expanded brooder in the garage for some of the chicks (better to still call them that, even though they are 8 weeks old now), but I don't want to take them out there until after the next snowstorm and subsequent super cold nights.

I have so much invested in them so far, risks are not gonna be taken at this point.

Haha! I am one of those customers driving an hour to pick up chicks. Then I'm driving another 4 hours to deliver them to Bradford County! Crazy and proud of it! :ya
Only eople here would understand..
This never gets old...

they arrived...16 got sent and 15 made it safe.....pretty good for the postal service..

better pics once they settle in..
need to add....
true to the nature of a duck,,, they have been out of the shipping box for no more than 10 minutes and found the water..

Makes me want to break my "no waterfowl" pledge and get some Muscovies. Please show a pic after they have pooped all over the place and dumped their water 10 times to help me hold my resolve.
Makes me want to break my "no waterfowl" pledge and get some Muscovies. Please show a pic after they have pooped all over the place and dumped their water 10 times to help me hold my resolve.

will do !!
stay tuned in the next 24 hr...if it takes that long.
So cute!! Good luck with them...
FINALLY!!! I chickens and ducks are 2 years old...they NEVER lay in a nesting box. Well my "babies" that are inside laid in a carboard box. so i got the idea that maybe their nesting box I got from TSC isn't enough privacy since they seem to lay in the darkest corner. Well I got another box and put it in there and when i went in there this morning every egg that was laid was in the box! Except for 1. Which may be because the box was occupied. So I will be adding a second. Who would have though cardboard box?! Here is my inside hen who laid in the box. she is 20 weeks. Just happy that I dont have to deal with messy eggs now lol

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