people that just walk into your house unannounced- why?????

A shotgun blast over his head will give him some manners, & get you some respect!
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I agree, I keep a loaded pistol with the safety OFF on my nightstand. I wouldn't have a problem telling anyone that they just might get shot if they come into my home unanouced, if he doesn't uderstand that he needs to be shot.
never mind coming into my house unannounced... come into my driveway unannounced and I come unglued all over your...... (fill in the blanks)

I have children playing in my yard... I have pets......I just plain old like my privacy..... dont come to my house unannounced unless someone has died!
Just shoot him. You do have a right to privacy after all. Or you could just tell him to knock first. Or you could keep your door locked and keep people that might actually be a danger to you from coming in. My DW leaves the door unlocked too. Figures since we live in the country there aren't any bad guys around. I expect to be a widow some day.
We keep our door locked at all times, so if anyone who didn't have a key came in unannounced, they'd find themselves getting a very intimate view of the inside of a 12-gauge barrel.
Okay, question here. You approach someone's house, and say they don't know you are coming. You meet one of the homeowners outside, as he just happens to be working in the front yard. Happy to see you, he says "go on in the house," but doesn't come in with you. you knock then? Outside homeowner knows you're there, but not the people inside. Thoughts?
I would knock.

My husband likes to do that.

"Oh, she's in the house, just go in."

Well, I might be in the shower or the powder room and hear someone (Not my husband) calling my name. Once I was napping. And he KNEW I was napping.

Anyway. I would knock. and I never just walk into someone's home who is not expecting me. Ever. After all, THEY might be the ones showering or napping or peeing or worse.

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