Pepper hangin' out in my room!


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9 Years
May 9, 2010
Egglanta, GA
This is Pepper hangin out with me in my room! She loves to perch on my shelves and desk and she loves my spinny chair in the pic! LOL I lost my last tooth the other day and she found it and was trying to eat it!! She's not a house chicken but she comes in a lot. Woah she just got a root beer candy!

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Sounds like the tooth fairy's new disguise didn't work! I love it when critters wander in the house and make themselves at home!
Oh thank GOD you posted your Pepper on your chair! Thank you for admitting to letting in the chicken. I'm a sucker. I let Miss Roaster in anytime I have the time, though I'm long past the time of losing my babyteeth. I'll have to warn the boys.

Here she's enjoying some online music videos, my mom took this photo just to have proof of "The Chicken being let in AGAIN, HOW WRONG":

Once again, Thank You for posting miss Pepper in the house. I need a little comraderie. Miss Pepper is a lovely girl, she has fine taste in architecture and furnishings!
6chickens in St. Charles :

Oh thank GOD you posted your Pepper on your chair! Thank you for admitting to letting in the chicken. I'm a sucker. I let Miss Roaster in anytime I have the time, though I'm long past the time of losing my babyteeth. I'll have to warn the boys.

Here she's enjoying some online music videos, my mom took this photo just to have proof of "The Chicken being let in AGAIN, HOW WRONG":

Once again, Thank You for posting miss Pepper in the house. I need a little comraderie. Miss Pepper is a lovely girl, she has fine taste in architecture and furnishings!

hahah! OH how sweet!
poor mom XD

i didn't take pepper in until she pooped twice though so she would have it all out and wouldnt poo in the house LOL. i actually haven't lost a tooth in four years ha, so this one's finally out! woot! a LATE bloomer! it's a moler, and its way back in my mouth, so luckily i dont have to have a huge gap! yay!

miss pepper looks like a great assistant!​
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