Pet names that are just plain weird?

I had a chicken named Natalie and one named Bob that was a female lol I probably have more crazy names but I can't think of them now
Cat named Epidermis.
Other cat named Gizmo
Standard Poodle named Cricket because he devoured 150 crickets in about 5 seconds.
Chihuahua named Socrates
I had a silkie named lampshade.... then pair of silkies named fork and knife. Now I have two mutts named Kenmore and Frigidaire.... the chickens hatched in my apartment at school all get interesting names.
My parents had a cat named Snot Face and another named Keister. We also had two emus we called The Measles. We had crazy and multiple nicknames for all our family and animals when I was growing up.
I get a lot of questions for naming my cat Tonks, after the Harry Potter character! It was suggested by a friend on the first day I brought her home, when he and my housemates were trying to play a board game. She was so overly friendly he reminded her of the character. It stuck, but when I tell people her name, they're like "Like the girl in Harry Potter?!"

A friend of mine had a cat that was named LC. It stood for LOST CAT, since it was a stray that showed up one day and never left. Another friend's family had a cat named Ibsk, which stood for itty bitty sheity kitty. The cat was a 4lb pain in the butt who hated everyone except one member of that family! Cute cat, but just so surly!
The Pom in my avitar is Tricki Woo, our GP is Ludwig, our Aussie mix is Windy (she's a little bigger than my 1st dog, Breezy), a BC named Althea, we had a dog pass whose name was Jack-a-Roe, a rescued GS came w/the name Jezzabel (she wouldn't answer to anything we tried to change it to that sounded similar
), a cat named Poohter, another called Skittles, and I think that's about it for uncommon names. We also have a Blue, a Solomon, an Albert, a Sophia, a Fiesty a cockatiel named Cosmo, a parakeet named "The Dude" (but she's a she). I think that's about it. I mean, there's more, but.....
these names are great!

we have a cat named Rat. It confuses people, particularly when I call it to come indoors. Honestly, when it first appeared as a kitten it did look like a rat.
This is Roaster, our EE pet hen with Mr. Peeps named for the marshmallow fluff chicks:

And here's a funny song about pet names, its very short but a good one from Sandra Boynton's Philadelphia Chickens (the YouTube video was not created by me, I dunno who):
I had 2 tabby cats named "Monty" and "Python". I later had 2 lab pups that I wanted to name "Cheech" and "Chong", but the ex-wife wouldn't let me. That's why she's the "X"!

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