Pet names that are just plain weird?

I named my Modern Game Bantam rooster and his little flock of ladies "Billy and the Boingers". Ten points if you can tell me where that name came from.

I can't remember the name of the comic, but I remember Opus. <3

Have two tiny dogs named Commander and Giblet. I used to call them "mange-y rat dogs" until they started actually killing rats. Now we're friends and I call them "the mutts".
I forgot my basset also comes when i call "dumba$$" and the cat answers also to "fata.. butt lol . In Lakeland there was a policeofficer and his K9 that got shot. Matt Williams and Diogi . Diogi = D-O-G
I had a cat named Cream Cheese and one named Stubbs (my mom in law was really creative). Oh, and we were adopted by a stray cat who eventually left us; his name was Balls. We also had a cat named Screwball who would bring my husband his dirty socks.

Oh yeah, we also had a one eyed Chihuahua named Boogie.
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I have a cat named S***ty Kitty, and a dog named Chunkster (27lb lab puppy at 8 weeks) We call our other dog Erma. Real name Emma, but a kennel worker messed the name up and called her that, it just stuck. I've got cats we call Mr. Ozborne (Ozzy) , Duhuah (Stella), which was how my 2 year old cousin pronounced her name. Tedward (Teddy), and Rosetta Stone (Rosie).
When I was a child, I was often told the funny story about my grandfather's cat he and his wife adopted. This cat was a stray kitten that kept hanging around the house, and my step-grandmother cajoled my grandfather into allowing her to keep the kitten. My grandfather wasn't much of a cat person, and felt this kitten was a real PITA. So he insisted on naming it, er, after that thing that Preparation-H is sold for relieving. His wife called the cat "Roidy" for short -- and to avoid embarrassment -- but had to use his "full name" when they went to the vet.

True story -- seriously, true story. And yes, I met the cat when I was a child. As far as the "PITA" attribution, it was innocent enough -- the cat was simply very clingy, probably as a result of being abandoned or weaned too early by his mother.


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