Pet Peeves

Some of the elder ladies around here call me sugar and baby. Should I be offended?
I think its amusing when a much younger person calls me or my husband "hun". Its usually a female, most younger males that I've encountered say, "mam" or "sir" or nothing. I just laugh and shrug it off. I don't get too offended. There are creeps that give off the creep vibe and when they call me anything other than my name or mam, then for some reason its irritating. But, if they actually said my name, I'd really be worried. 😉
One of my good guy friends calls me heifer. He calls everyone heifer as not to offend anyone. 😄
For over 35 years my *reply* to pleasant folks has been, “Folks call me: _my full/ shortened 1st name_, _my initials _, _1st & middle name _ (if I’m in trouble), _my official nickname since 1996_, _hay you_, & I still also respond to _late for dinner_.”

As for use towards others? Depends on their *vibe* what level of respect or response they receive…. If you were a royal hemorrhoid I have used: “You, bovine quatroped!” On special occasions if it was warranted! In special circumstances I have called someone (not to their face, mind you) “someone Preparation H would run away/screaming from…”

As a comfortable semi-familiar reference I have used “Kiddo” to those *obviously younger then I* in non-professional environments…. For over 25 yrs now.

/end of line.
When I worked retail, I always called people sir and ma'am. Never would have occurred to me to use something more like a pet name.
That being said, people have called me all kinds of things like baby, sugar, hun, and it doesn't bother me at all.
I call the girls at school hun and the boys bud. "What do you mean you forgot your lunch number? I'll look it up for you, what's your name again? Ok, you're all set hun/bud" I'm really bad at names, can't remember them 90% of the time
I call the girls at school hun and the boys bud. "What do you mean you forgot your lunch number? I'll look it up for you, what's your name again? Ok, you're all set hun/bud" I'm really bad at names, can't remember them 90% of the time
I call all my kids "buddy", even the girls. 🤣

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