Pet Peeves

I just was raised that you dress decently in public as a sign of respect to other people. Makes me sound old, I know, but I still feel that way.
That is how I am being raised. I smack my head everytime I see people dressed in PJ or as Blue said clothes that are MUCH to tight. Have some decency! Others have to look at you!
It probably doesn't rise to the level of pet peeve, but I don't like when people wear pajamas to the grocery store. I can live with it but I don't like it.
Guess what, those people wear pajamas every where they go!

I didn't know pet peeves have levels, but now that you've mentioned it, there are things that peeve me more than others. 😂
People who can't make up their mind. You decided to come in here with an agenda and now you can't tell me what you want to do. I'm not a mind reader. 🥴

Then on the other side of the spectrum, the people who go on and on so long you've already tuned them out and by the time they actually get to the point, you're not even sure what they are talking about. 😆

People who make any type of noise while they eat. Though, I'm told this is my problem - mentally. :lau
Even numbers 😵 I just can't set anything to an even number. My daughter will sometimes turn the volume up and leave it on an even number and just sit and wait for my reaction of finding a remote or asking her to go up or down one more. It's the craziest thing and super annoying
Now this is an interesting one!
Good grief, I just realized that I am a grump ...... That's not even all of them. I need to go to church
You're not a grump at all. :hugs
A kitchen peeve (Granny inspired me): no one in my family understands the concept of "stacking" dirty dishes. If three people eat cereal I will find three identical dirty bowls, each with spoons in them, sitting side by side on the counter. Many times I have demonstrated the art of removing the spoons, putting the bowls together in a single stack, and thus eliminating clutter and freeing up counter space. Yet nine years of this has not resulted in a single instance of any of them learning to do it. If plates are involved and the counter is full, they will pile dirty dishes in the sink willy-nilly in no sort of order other than archaeological, that is to say, which was used first is at the bottom. It causes a wild tide of murderous rage to rise up in my breast, I tell you.
On the subject of dirty dishes...
I will stay up late even when I'm tired to make sure the sink is clean before going to bed. Why? Because waking up to a dirty kitchen p*sses me off. So the pet peeve? When despite having cleaned the kitchen before bed, I wake up to find the sink full of dirty dishes because DH had "a snack" in the middle of the night 🙄. Like.... you saw the kitchen was tidy, so wash the frigging dish, put it in the half-full dishwasher, or at the very least add water to it so it doesn't turn to dried on concrete by morning! But for the love of all things sane, don't just leave it in the sink!
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People with a loaded cart in the EXPRESS lane. It CLEARLY states 12 items or LESS!

Driving the speed limit or below in the left, aka fast lane

People smoking at the entrance or exit of a business, so everyone has to walk through their smog

Not returning carts at the store

Good grief, I just realized that I am a grump ...... That's not even all of them. I need to go to church
Is your name Karen by any chance? :)

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