Pet Peeves

We might turn that around. How does saying "Ma'am" to someone imply respect?

It beats Huh, yeah , what do you want, or Hey, Teach.
Humm let me think.. 1.) people or kids with no manners. I just raise a eyebrow at my kids and they know ,I dont care who it is my kids better darn well say thank "you" and "please ".

2.) people who stare or make comments about people who use handicap parking. You can't always see the illness so just keep your comments to yourself. Worst ever was a women and child, child asks mom " why is she in a handicap spot shes not handicap ? "Mothers reply "well she must be one of those handicap in the head " This is what we teach children , if you don't see it , it isn't there. Heaven forbid if you suffer from a invisible illness.

3.) people who let dogs go poop on someone elses lawn and don't use a poop bag.

4.) people who dont take time to train their dogs then wonder why they don't behave.

5.) people invading personal space then Bump into you.
It drives me crazy when people use the word anxious in place of eager. Anxious has a negative dreading meaning. Eager is more of wanting something to happen. Uhg I just needed to vent!
Someone may have already put this but people who let their dogs run loose!

Just because you live in a rural area does not give you (hypothetical you) the right to let your dogs run wild. Your dog may be friendly to you and your pets but the person down the street doesn't know that, or worse, the dog might not be friendly to the farmer down the road's live stock. You are putting your dogs and other people and their property at risk letting it run free.
Oh and people who let their hound dogs run loose. I don't care if you let them "run rabbits" they run their rabbits onto my property. Sometimes they don't distinguish a wild rabbit from a domesticated one in a hutch, or someone's cat, or someones chicken. ARGH!

*grumble grumble*
I knew someone once that was about 4 feet tall and about half as wide and very difficult to be around, that was a troll.

1. Arrogance. Anyone that thinks they are any better than anyone else. I can't stand this.
2. Commercials for drugs. The drug companies spending tons of money advertising their stuff instead of spending it to find a cure.
3. People that stick their noses in other peoples business. Butt out!
4. People that hurt or abuse animals. Grrrrr!

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