Pet Peeves

There's really people that do that?
There's really people that do that?

Not really. It's just that some people, who are annoyed by those who pick their noses, while driving, would like to make a law, to stop such behavior...It's no longer a pet peeve, but an agenda, and some of us recognize it as such, and are willing to call that person on it.
1. When people pass gas on the elevator and don't say excuse me.
2. When someone catches me picking my nose at a stop light. Makes me feel gross.
3. When some kid offers me a senior citizen discount.
4. When people part their hair in the back.
5. When people wear their baseball cap inside out.
6. Iced tea with sugar in it, yuk.
7. Disc Jockeys.
8. Progressive commercials.
9. People that just say Sir, instead of Sir yes Sir. makes me want to tell them to give me 20.
10. People that try to put their carry on luggage under their seat instead of under the seat in front of them, then give you a dirty look when you kick it back out.
I like the progressive commercials. I had no clue you weren't suppose to put the things under you, if you pick your nose in public thats pretty gross, i live in the south so sugar in ice tea is a given.
people who take up more than one parking spot

Today at the bank, a tiny woman in a HUGE SUV that looked like it had never gone off road, took up three spaces.
We went to the Omaha Zoo once on a VERY busy weekend. There was NO parking. Some decked out uber truck had taken up 4 of the best front spaces. It had been keyed and someone had written obscenities on it with lipstick. Guess trying to keep it from getting bumped by other cars didn't work out so well for them
We went to the Omaha Zoo once on a VERY busy weekend. There was NO parking. Some decked out uber truck had taken up 4 of the best front spaces. It had been keyed and someone had written obscenities on it with lipstick. Guess trying to keep it from getting bumped by other cars didn't work out so well for them

I shouldn't be amused but I am. this woman took up the three closest spaces herself, and since it was a cool, drizzly day, I wanted to limit my distance.
I like the progressive commercials. I had no clue you weren't suppose to put the things under you, if you pick your nose in public thats pretty gross, i live in the south so sugar in ice tea is a given.

I don't really pick my nose in public. Yes, ask any frequent traveler or the flight attendant. The space under the seat in front of you is for your legs. If you have a carry on you store it above the seats or in the space reserved for your own legs. I'm talking about the Progressive commercials with the girl in the white room. I haven't watched TV since New Years Eve. So I'm not up to date on any others. Can they take the sugar out or do they just use artificial sweetner instead?
I like the progressive commercials. I had no clue you weren't suppose to put the things under you, if you pick your nose in public thats pretty gross, i live in the south so sugar in ice tea is a given.

I don't really pick my nose in public. Yes, ask any frequent traveler or the flight attendant. The space under the seat in front of you is for your legs. If you have a carry on you store it above the seats or in the space reserved for your own legs. I'm talking about the Progressive commercials with the girl in the white room. I haven't watched TV since New Years Eve. So I'm not up to date on any others. Can they take the sugar out or do they just use artificial sweetner instead?

Ah I learned something new. Since I have never flown.....
I like the girl, but then my friends call me a disgusting morning person and have compared me to the progressive girl when I am excited about something, and unfortunately, here in the south most tea is not only sweet but REALLY sweet. I prefer unsweetened tea and you usually have to specify unsweetened tea at resteraunts when you order tea, or if you want herbal tea, or hot tea you have to specify that.

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