Pheasants injured heads from flushing in dog crate


9 Years
Mar 6, 2010
Unfortunately, I felt the need to have a kidney stone today, so I wasn't home for all this. My mom bought my son his pheasants since the ER trip made it so I couldn't go get them. The male and one of the females have bleeding head injuries from flushing against the cage. I walked my son through stopping the bleeding with flour on the phone and as soon as I got home, we set everyone up in quail cages with low chicken wire or plastic mesh roofs to prevent reinjury. No one is currently bleeding, and the two with injuries are in separate cages from everyone else. Do I need to get some type of antibiotic ointment to keep on them until they are healed? The weather is warm now and I don't want to have issues with flies or whatever laying eggs in the wounds or infection setting in. Otherwise, they appear healthy, and they are very active and strong. The injured female laid an egg in my mom's car on the way here, haha. I plan to put Nutri-Drench in all of their waters tomorrow.

So...anything else I should add for stress and being in tiny pens right now? And what should I do with the injuries? I plan to keep them separated until they heal and while I build their flight pen. Thanks for any advice, we haven't had pheasants before. They do not appear to be full grown (Or it's possible they have been kept in small pens, none of them have full tail feathers.), but they are laying. I *think* they may have been hatched in October 2018.
Electrolytes are essential to combat shock and stress. Just for a day or so, along with the Nutri-drench.

If the injuries are superficial, meaning no patches of missing skin, just lacerations, you need only spray the wounds with Vetericyn until they are healed. If there are missing patches of tissue, then you will need to keep the raw patches moist with a triple antibiotic ointment after spraying with the Vetericyn.

Hope that kidney stone has been demolished by now. Yeah, like you needed that right now.
Electrolytes are essential to combat shock and stress. Just for a day or so, along with the Nutri-drench.

If the injuries are superficial, meaning no patches of missing skin, just lacerations, you need only spray the wounds with Vetericyn until they are healed. If there are missing patches of tissue, then you will need to keep the raw patches moist with a triple antibiotic ointment after spraying with the Vetericyn.

Hope that kidney stone has been demolished by now. Yeah, like you needed that right now.
Unfortunately, I felt the need to have a kidney stone today, so I wasn't home for all this. My mom bought my son his pheasants since the ER trip made it so I couldn't go get them. The male and one of the females have bleeding head injuries from flushing against the cage. I walked my son through stopping the bleeding with flour on the phone and as soon as I got home, we set everyone up in quail cages with low chicken wire or plastic mesh roofs to prevent reinjury. No one is currently bleeding, and the two with injuries are in separate cages from everyone else. Do I need to get some type of antibiotic ointment to keep on them until they are healed? The weather is warm now and I don't want to have issues with flies or whatever laying eggs in the wounds or infection setting in. Otherwise, they appear healthy, and they are very active and strong. The injured female laid an egg in my mom's car on the way here, haha. I plan to put Nutri-Drench in all of their waters tomorrow.

So...anything else I should add for stress and being in tiny pens right now? And what should I do with the injuries? I plan to keep them separated until they heal and while I build their flight pen. Thanks for any advice, we haven't had pheasants before. They do not appear to be full grown (Or it's possible they have been kept in small pens, none of them have full tail feathers.), but they are laying. I *think* they may have been hatched in October 2018.
glad they are ok. So sorry You have a kidney Stone ,I've had some before .Honestly I'd rather a setting hen flog me then to have a kidney Stone.
Thanks, just ordered Vetericyn and electrolytes to pick up at TSC tomorrow and I'll grab some triple antibiotic while I'm out! The kidney stone moved into my bladder while they were putting the IV and Torodal(sp) in my arm haha. It appeared a couple hours later in the specimen cup, yay! And they didn't see any others on the CT scan. I had 3 of 5 kids unmedicated and I'd rather have 5 more unmedicated births than go through today again!

Really appreciate the advice, I'm slowly building up my critter medicine cabinet!
Glad that stone is out.the last time I went to the Hospital I had 2 both the size of small grapes. They had to bust them .I'll take the mad hen any day

I am SO sorry! I truly thought giving birth was going to be the most painful thing I experienced in life. I was so very wrong!!!!

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