phesant hatching egg question


In the Brooder
10 Years
Apr 28, 2009
Eastern Kentucky
This will be my first time trying to incubate phesant eggs, any tips for a successful hatch. I have been told to keep my temp at 100 F in a forced air incubator but what should my humidity be?
Also these are eggs that were shipped to me and I understand the hatch rate may be low due to shipping. They were very well pack and also placed inside egg cartons with shreader paper. They were little end down in the carton. Since I am turning them by hand will it be ok to lay them on their sides or do I need to stand them up? Thanks
Either way is fine, but if your turning them by hand laying down is probably the easiest. Its well worth the money to invest in an auto turner. They are not expensive and save a lot of time. If you just received them be sure and let your eggs rest at room temperature before placing them in your incubator.
I leave my turner on thru the duration.Have had much better hatching with it on.I also leave the humidity the same.When chicks are hatching it adds a little more humidity.
In N.H.,Tony.
When should I candle the eggs for the first time? I've hatched chickens before and usually do it on day 7 for the first time, but since it takes phesants longer to hatch, should I wait 10-11 days?

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