Picked up a free Roo today, it needed re-homing

I don't doubt the expertise of this site's posters, you've not steered me wrong. I'll get a better photo in the next day or so, and check the leg color very closely. There is no feathering on them, that's clear. I would note however - and I know its not visible in that terrible photo - that his fluff and hocks are uniformly grey, there's no discernable barring at all - unlike any picture I can find of any Black Sex Link, Barred Rock, Marans (which, honestly, seems sort of expensive for a possible TSC bird), or the (eliminated by comb) Dominique.

of course, our TSC uses Hoovers, and judging from my other 30+ birds, Hoover's flocks do not have crisp clean colors or patterns.

But this thing looks like someone glued a BR top to some grey/blue bottom...
and this is the son - by one of three birds. One was pretty clearly a black cochin, one may have been a blue cochin but very poorly marked, it was almost uniformly grey, more like a blue Australorp, and the third had too distinct a pattern to be the likely dame.


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